
2015/08/11 瀏覽次數:6 收藏




  新SAT與SAT的幹系便是:沒有幹系。改造以後的SAT寫作改成選考,而且從第一項釀成了末了一項。寫作重點不是本身構建文章,而是在50分鐘內依據一篇650-750詞的文章做剖析,不須要參加小我懂得。題目每次都是穩定的,然則瀏覽資料會變動。文章都選自高質量的,曾出書過的出書物。文章主題觸及藝術、科技、社會、文化和政治。從官方給的兩篇樣題來看,都是選擇於New York Times,一篇是Paul Bogard的“Let There be Dark.” 另外一篇是Dana Gioia的 “Why Literature Matters”。依據官方供給的參考剖析角度,須要考生從用詞、論據論證、論證手段、修辭,邏輯次序等方面評論辯論作者是若何支撐本身的概念的。也便是說,新essay不但要考核門生精致剖析和清楚寫作的才能,還要造就門生深刻瀏覽的才能。在考生說明文章的過程當中,須要從文章中找證據去支撐本身的說法。相較於曩昔本身構建文章,新的寫作還考核了門生瀏覽和剖析文章的才能。這類情勢從考核角度來講,更科學周全,更公道。然則從門生備考角度來講,因為對題型的不熟習和中國粹生一向的抽象思惟和表達,難度加大。



  Yourschool has decided to alter its emphasis in history classes. Instead ofspending time on a variety of eras throughout time, beginning with ancientperiods, the department has decided to focus on teaching history only from 1940to the present. Proponents of this theory believe that students can learn bestfrom studying the recent past up to the present. A few history teachers, on theother hand, believe strongly that this is an error. They advocate the idea thatthe only way we can understand and prepare for the future is to study as muchof the past as possible. In your view, how much of history should be taught inschools?

  Thereare a number of students in your school who are planning to graduate and headdirectly to some of the biggest colleges in the country. These colleges havehuge campuses and thousands of students enrolled. A number of smaller collegeshave been sending you promotional literature, several of which really appeal toyou. In your viewpoint, do you think small or large colleges offer a bettereducation? What factors should help a student choose a college?

  Becauseof the recent increase in incidents of school violence, a number of schoolsaround the country are limiting the number of times a student can go to his orher locker. While advocates believe that this will help reduce the risk ofstudents keeping any illegal substances (including weapons) in their lockers,others disagree. They state that it has little effect on violence and otherissues, but it does drastically increase the number of books the averagestudent has to carry around every day. In your point of view, should lockervisits be limited or not?

