【真題講解】托福口語Task 5真題演練

2015/09/11 瀏覽次數:12 收藏

  在托福白話Task 5測驗中,考生會聽到一段對話,對話中會有個中一人碰到辣手的題目,以後兩人會評論辯論兩種辦理計劃。那這類題型有哪些比擬好的解題辦法呢?下面經由過程真題為考生講授剖析。

  在新托福白話測驗中,考生實際上是有紀律可以依循的,對話中會有異常清楚的提醒告訴考生哪個是碰到題目的主角。比方,考生會聽到:“I’ve got a problem”、“I’d like to…but…”或“I have trouble”等較為顯著的提醒句。而在評論辯論辦理計劃時,也會湧現如“If I were you, I would…”、“What you should do is…”及“Why not try…”等句型,讓考生可以異常直觀地找出辦理計劃。


  Student A:Hi, good morning! Could you help me with something?

  Student B:Uh…maybe. What’s up?

  Student A:Well, I’m a first year student.

  Student B:Everything going okay?

  Student A:Actually no…um…this is a little embarrassing. I think I left my class scheduleback in my dorm.

  Student B:Um…not a good thing to do on the first day of classes.

  Student A:Yeah… so I’m not sure where my class is. I think I remember it was supposed tobe here in Smith Hall.

  Student B:There is a computer for student use in the student center. You can go overthere, look it up and check the room number. But…you’d have to hurry.

  Student A:Hm… that’s not a bad idea. I could check my schedule for the whole rest of theday at the same time. I don’t know where any of my other classes are either,but I don’t wanna be late, make a bad impression with the professor on thefirst day. It’s actually my very first class—Introduction to Psychology.

  Student B:Psychology? Oh! Okay, you’re definitely in the right building. And if it’sIntroduction to Psychology, it’s gonna be a big class, in which case itprobably meets in a big lecture hall. There are only three lecture halls in thebuilding, one on every floor. Just check each floor till you find yours. Thereis an elevator, so you should be able to move fast.

  Student A:Yeah, but I don’t know what the professor looks like or anything. How will Iknow whether it’s my class or not? It’d be sort of embarrassing, sticking myhead into each lecture hall, asking if I was in the right place.

  Student B:Well…you might luck out and find it the first time.

  固然咱們上文說,白話第五題是綜合型標題中相對於簡略的,然則這也是基於考生可以聽懂對話的基本上。在此對話中,門生A在開篇就說“Could you help me with something?”, 考生聽到此句的時刻,就該小心,癥結句將至。在此門生枝梧幾句後,就把題目陳說出來:“I think I left my class schedule back in mydorm.”。考生須要留意的是,有的時刻個中一個話語者講完題目後,另外一小我頗有大概會不空話,直接講出個中的一個辦理計劃。如上文中B門生就直接給出發起:“There is a computer for student use in thestudent center. You can go over there, look it up and check the room number.”。

  考生需留意,在辦理計劃湧現後,有題目的話語者平日也會將此辦理計劃的缺陷講出:“but I don’t wanna be late, make a badimpression with the professor on the first day.”是以,另一人材會持續評論辯論第二個辦理計劃:“Just check each floor till you find yours.” 考生也須要將其相對於應的缺陷找出,即:“but I don’t know what the professor lookslike or anything. How will I know whether it’s my class or not?” 以上則為第五題聽力內裏考生須要遴選出來的重點。假如考生可以或許將上述幾點掌控好,那末聯合了本身的選取和來由後,就不難拿到幻想的分數了。下面咱們來看一篇高分例文。

  The man didn’t take his class schedule withhim and it’s his first day in the college, so he couldn’t find his classroom.The woman offers two possible solutions. The first solution is that he can goto use the computer in the computer center to check the schedule. But it’lltake some time to go there and he doesn’t want to be late for his first class.The second solution is that he can just go to big classrooms in the building tocheck which one is the class he is going to take. But he thinks it’ll beembarrassing if he goes into a classroom and asks if he is in the right room. Iwould recommend him to go to the computer center, since he didn’t take hisclass schedule, it’s necessary to check all classes for the whole day. Maybehe’ll be late for his first class, but at least he won’t feel embarrassed forthe rest of the day.

  此範文邏輯清楚,包括了聽力內裏的全部細節點,亦可認為考生供給必定的答復模板:總結題目—過渡句疏解有兩個辦理計劃--第一個辦理計劃+缺陷--第二個辦理計劃+缺陷--小我態度+緣故原由。並且在考生本身報告態度的緣故原由時,也借用了聽力原文內裏湧現過的緣故原由:checkall classes for the whole day。這也為寬大考生供給了一個信息:給出本身緣故原由時,可以不拘泥是不是為原文這個題目,哪怕是聽力原文裏的內容,考生仍舊可以鑒戒。也不丟臉出,第五題想拿高分,沒必要過於糾結句型的題目,只要能把聽力內裏的點講清晰便可。

  上述內容經由過程真題為考生剖析了托福白話Task 5的答復思緒,願望考生在備考的時刻能通過火析高分例文,找到適合的解題思緒,然後觸類旁通,爭奪拿到這部門的分數,祝考生測驗順遂。