
2015/09/14 瀏覽次數:6 收藏



  Beetles damage ash trees. Thearticle talks about how to save ash tress.


  1. Banning transportation of ash trees, which will take beetles’ nests to other areas.

  2. Drilling holes on the ash trees to inject a chemical pesticide that make beetles leave away ash trees.

  3. Planting trap trees that be3etles like to lay their eggs on.


  1. They cannot prohibit private companies that cut down ash trees to be firewood.

  2. Drilling to much holes will damage ash trees. The cycle of injecting a pesticide is two years.

  3. Trap trees are beetles’ food, which will increase the population of beetles and hurt more ash trees.

  思緒:文章重要先容了一種叫做borer的蟲豸,其增加異常敏捷且沒有天敵,對此作者提出了三種辦理計劃。一是制止ash wood(地蠟木)的貿易運輸。二是在建立註入化學物資將其殺滅;三是把一種樹木作為圈套誘捕它們。講座中,傳授以為這三種辦法都有缺點。第一,地蠟木大概被當成焚燒的木料運到別的處所;第二,化學辦法的功能會跟著時光消退;第三,誘捕的機會很難掌控。


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