
2015/09/29 瀏覽次數:3 收藏


  這一類題題幹的根本特點便是含有一個詞assumption。平日標題會問文章的某幾行是基於甚麽樣的一個假如(based on或rests on),也便是問原文可以或許建立的前提是如何的。在sat的瀏覽測驗傍邊,平日能在出題點看到的是致使的某個成果或到達的某個目標。好比問一個辦法基於甚麽樣的假如,意思便是說要到達某個目標,如許的辦法為何可以或許有用。




  My physiotherapist expressed himself similarly: "Adaptation follows a different path in each person. The nervous system creates its own paths. You are the neurologist--you must see this all the time.

  The physiotherapist's remarks reveal the assumption that

  A. patients have complete control over the progress of their recovery

  B. each neurologist follows a different path to understanding

  C. all neurologists are aware of the nervous system's adaptability

  D. the author is inadequately informed about the intricacies of the muscular system

  E. some neurologists consider both healthy and injured brain processes to be parallel



  I had been trained in the tradition of acting called "psychological realism." A basic tenet of psychological realism is that characters live inside of you and that you create a lifelike portrayal of the character through a process of realizing your own similarity to the character. When I later became a teacher of acting, I began to became more and more troubled by the self-oriented method. I began to look for ways to engage my students in putting themselves in other people's shoes. This went against the grain of the psychological realism tradition, which was to get the character to walk into a classroom of people in their real lives.

  The author's explanation in the fourth paragraph suggests that the "self-oriented method" rests on the assumption that

  A. audience members appreciate complex nuance of character

  B. the playwright's biography provides the main evidence for interpreting character

  C. actors have already felt the full range of human emotions

  D. actors are extremely independent and self-serving people.

  E. Actors' lives become fulfilled through their dramatic portrayals.

  可以看到題幹所問的self-oriented method便是文中說到的psychological realism。而這個辦法的一個根本理念便是腳色就住在你體內,你經由過程一個實現本身與腳色類似性的進程,來發明一個活生生的對腳色的飾演。為何這個辦法可以或許建立呢,為何可以或許經由過程實現本身與腳色類似性的進程,來發明活生生的腳色飾演呢?明顯,只有選項中的C選項“演員已領會過了全部人類情緒”建立,這一點才可以或許建立。
