
2015/10/08 瀏覽次數:7 收藏



  對次序路標詞的影象有益於快速控制speaker的節拍,以避免跟丟標題。特別是在流程圖一類的填空題中,或是描寫試驗步調的獨白,這些詞可稱之為Marker words/phrases, 偶然依據此類詞可以斷定聲調忽然改變,應該多加留意。

  ☆ first, first of all ,for a start, in the first place, to begin with ...

  second, followed by, third ,then , next , previously, before that finally, last, for one thing ,for another, meanwhile, until ,subsequently

  ☆ Now tell me ... And now (we will) ... Before I move on to ... Next, I’d like to ... Right, so the first thing ... And what about...? Well, that’s about it, except for ... I’d like not to move on to ... One more thing Finally, can you tell us...



  ☆ That is, That is to say, I mean, namely, in particular, specially

  ☆ especially, actually, to be exact, in other words, another way of saying this, Let’s put it this way, equally, etc.


  遷移轉變路標詞可以說是逢考必現,也便是百分之百會考到,並且不止湧現一次,以是請求考生闇練控制。在教室實踐教授教養中,發明有很多相稱聰慧的同窗,沒有聽 懂對話的意思,卻能精確辨認出遷移轉變幹系,從而找到準確謎底(特別是選取題)。以是當聽到表現遷移轉變或比較的詞或短語時,考生必定要會合留意力,由於此時 speaker會供給新信息或完整相反的概念,也便是考點地點。須要引發留意的是,but一詞測驗是會弱化的,相似於/b?/,以是測驗時必定要細心辨音。

  ☆ 強遷移轉變: but, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, yet, while, whereas

  ☆ 妥協:Although, though, even if, in spite of, despite

  ☆ 比較:by/in contrast, by comparison, as a matter of fact, instead, otherwise

  Eg. Most people tend to book twenty-four hours in advance…however, the earliest you book a computer is forty-eight hours before you need it.

  標題:Computer can be booked up to ___hours in advance.




  ☆ for instance, for example, such as, like, likewise, similarly

  ☆ in addition to, one more thing, what’s more , furthermore, besides, also, too, as well as, moreover, together with, not only…but also, etc.



  ☆ 厥後跟“因”的旌旗燈號詞: for, since, for the reason that, because, thanks to, owing to, due to, as a result of, originate from, etc.

  ☆ 厥後跟“果”的旌旗燈號詞: As a result, therefore, so, consequently, thus, lead to, result in, trigger, account for, give rise to, bring about, breed, etc.



  ☆ in short , finally, therefore ,overall ,in summary, thus, on the whole, in brief, to conclude, to sum up, in a nutshell, consequently ,to sum up ,to summarize ,in conclusion

  末了再彌補幾點,語音信息在聽力語篇中也相稱主要。Speaker會將句子中考點單詞重讀,腔調和語氣方面也會有所分歧,考生可依據這些語音特點的變 化來甄別主要信息。如在對話中,Speaker也會在此處放慢速率;若Speaker語氣是升調的,那末該處所就頗有多是雅思聽力設題的圈套,由於這些詞每每是枚舉,背面常湧現強遷移轉變。對此,發起考生應經由過程大批的真題演習來琢磨和順應雅思測驗語音的特色和紀律,以精確獲得答題的癥結信息。