
2015/11/27 瀏覽次數:19 收藏



  An essay in this category demonstrates clear and consistent mastery, although it may have a few minor errors. A typical essay exhibits the following characteristics:

  一、Effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons and other evidence to support its position

  解讀:癥結詞:insightful,approriate examples, reasons and other evidence

  1) insightfully insightfully=data mining(數據發掘)

  SAT測驗請求考生寫出具備深入洞察力的文章。對付SAT這種誇大思辯的批評性寫作來講, 對付題目標焦點觀點舉行發掘是很需要的。

  2) approriate examples, reasons and other evidence

  考生在提出論點以後,必需探求相幹的、適當的例證來支撐和充分本身的論點。 SAT作文的推理進程遠比推理的成果更主要,是以說明Why比給出What更主要,考官會經由過程審閱推理進程來斷定考生的邏輯陳說才能。

  二、Is well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas

  解讀:癥結詞:well organized, clearly focused, clear coherence and smooth progression

  1) well organized


  2) clearly focused


  3) clear coherence and smooth progression


  三、Exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate and apt vocabulary









  四、Demonstrates meaningful variety in sentence structure


  用詞和句式的多樣性和變更機能有用地表現考生應用說話的技能。考生在舉行SAT寫作的過程當中,在用詞上要留意多應用同義詞調換,切勿高頻的應用一樣的辭匯。 別的,在句子情勢上也要留意長句、短句、簡略句和龐雜句的瓜代應用。

  五、Is free of most errors in grammar, usage and mechanics

  解讀:癥結詞:free of most errors

  SAT寫作許可有毛病存在。most一詞註解一篇滿分文章須要防止絕大部門的語法、用詞毛病。 同時這也註解個體的語法毛病、用詞欠妥和諸如拼寫,標點標記和巨細寫等毛病不影響一篇文章得滿分。 對付SAT寫作測驗來講,更主要的是文章的要點明白、邏輯通行,說話的團體高程度。



  1、SAT寫作開首段beginning of article



  2、SAT寫作例子段Examples of composition


  在寫例子段的時刻呢,這裏小編可以給眾人一點發起,比較類的寫法他是比擬實用於立異類的例子,設問法比擬實用於勝利類的例子,而枚舉式的寫軌則比擬實用於科技類的例子。考生也能夠從本身平凡備登科總結本身比擬習氣的一些寫法。在這三段裏,須要眾人挪用本身全部的例子貯備,展示對英美汗青事宜,人物業績的控制和認知水平,這裏你可以靈巧一點。發掘該事宜和你的論點的幹系。為己所用。可以多看一些名流列傳,關懷時勢,擅長思慮,做一個兼收並蓄的人。這三段的構造可以采取論點+例子+感觸的方法,用到1-3個事例,只管即便用到專著名詞,詳細時光,數字等等,如Norman Conquest,Peter the Great, Fitzgerald等,增強本身的文彩。





  Think carefully about the ideas and issues presented in the following excerpt and assignment below.

  1. Celebrities have the power to attract communities of like-minded followers; they provide an identity that people can connect to and call their own. Celebrities are trusted; they stand for certain ideas and values to which followers can express allegiance.

  Adapted from William Greider, Who Will Tell the People.

  2. Admiration for celebrities is often accompanied by contempt for average people. As we focus on the famous, other people become less important to us. The world becomes populated with a few somebodies and an excess of near-nobodies.

  Adapted from Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen, Wizards of Media Oz

  Assignment: Is society's admiration for famous people beneficial or harmful? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or Observations.

  Susan Plyte once said "Everyone needs someone to look up to. In today's society it is more important than ever for people to have role models in which they can admire and examine beneficial qualities that may help them in their everyday life. The universal notion that famous people are beneficial is exemplified throughout history and literature.

  One example of how well-known people can benefit today's society is seen through the Civil Rights movement. In 1962 four college freshmen entered a restaurant in which they would receive no service at. The news of their nonviolent sittings spread across the nation and within two months thousands of students were participating in these sit-ins. Their efforts inspired the creation of the student non-violent coordinating committee. In 1961 Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of the bus where blacks were forced to sit. Although she was arrested and jailed, her brave efforts inspired the Montgomery Bus Boycott which lasted for over a year. Martin Luther King is known as one of the most inspirational figures of the Civil Rights movement. He organized hundreds of non-violent protests and gave an unforgettable speech entitled "I have a dream." Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and the Greensboro lunch boy's brave efforts helped get the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed. Their actions have inspired thousands of people to stand up for what they believe in and are excellent role models for people today.

  Another example of how celebrities can be beneficial in today's society is seen through the women's suffrage movement. Alice Paul, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton motivated thousands of women to stand up for equality. They organized parades, protests, and wrote hundreds of letters in order to gain awareness to their cause. They encouraged and convinced people that sexism was not right and were main contributors in getting the 17th amendment passed-granting women the right to vote. These three women are still excellent role models for people to look to and have inspired men and women to speak out against the things that they do not agree with.

  Literature also has great examples of famous people and how they can benefit society. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter Hester Prynne, the protagonist in the book commits adultery and must forever wear a scarlet letter "A" sewn upon her bosom. However, her giving personality and helpfulness makes people begin to refer to the "A" as meaning "able". Hester Prynne is an excellent role model for today's society in showing that everyone makes mistakes and that it is what you learn and do from them that is really important.

  The Civil Rights movement, women's suffrage movement, and The Scarlet Letter have all produced famous people who are great role models for today. It is important for people to have these men and women to look up to and be encouraged by.

  Think carefully about the ideas and issues presented in the following excerpt and assignment below.

  A teenager challenges everything and, by forming habits of intellectual and emotional independence, makes himself or herself into an adult. In a similar way, all people can learn the behaviors that they need to become the people they want to be. We can all change ourselves — our behaviors, our goals, our relationships — because our potential for change is unlimited.

  Adapted from Richard Stiller, Habits

  Assignment: Is our ability to change ourselves unlimited, or are there limits on our ability to make important changes in our lives? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on the issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

  As Richard Stiller once said, We can all change ourselves - our behaviors, our goals, our relationships - because our potential for change is unlimited. There are no limits to the ability to make important changes. As a famous adage says, Anything is possible, if you just set your mind to it. This universal notion is exemplified through history and literature.

  One compelling illustration that change is unlimited is seen in the brave souls of the Civil Rights movement. In 1961, Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of the bus, where blacks were forced to sit. Although she was arrested and jailed, her efforts led to the development of the Montgomery bus boycott, which lasted over a year. Then, in 1962, four college freshmen went into a restaurant and held a non-violent sit-in. News spread throughout the nation, and in two months, hundreds of college students participated in non-violent sit-ins. The Greensboro lunch boys' efforts led to the development of the student non-violent coordinating committee. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most famous leaders of the Civil Rights movement, organized many nonviolent protests. His unforgettable and inspiring speech entitled, I have a dream", encouraged thousands to stand up for what they believe in. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and the Greensboro lunch boys wanted change in their lives and the lives around them. They were unlimited in their efforts and fought hard for the change they desired.

  Alice Paul, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were three women who worked hard for change they wished to see in the women's suffrage movement. They led parades, protests and even wrote letters on the incorrectness of sexism. Ultimately, they achieved their goal of passing the 17th amendment, granting women the right to vote. These three brave and courageous women fought consistently for the change they wanted in their lives, until it was achieved.

  A final illustration that change is unlimited occurred in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. The protagonist, Hester Prynne, commits adultery and is forced to wear an embroidered letter "A" on her bosom. Hester is shunned from the town and perceived as an outcast. However, Hester's giving and helpful personality is revealed and soon her "A" stands for "able" instead of "adulteress". Hester wanted the Puritan town to see a change and a different side to Hester's life, and through her hard work, she achieved that goal.

  As seen in the Civil Rights movement, the women's suffrage movement and The Scarlet Letter, change is unlimited to those who wished to obtain it. As Sir Edward Bulwer once said, "Improvement can only be achieved by great change”.
