
2015/12/03 瀏覽次數:7 收藏


  Eating, drinking, and the use of tobacco or reading materials are not permitted in the test room.You may not have a timer, cell phone, media player, or electronic device of any kind in the test room, other than a permitted calculator, or use one during breaks.You are allowed to have only testing aids approved in advance by ACT. If we find that you have brought a timer, cell phone, media player, or any other electronic device into the test room, or you use one during a break, you will be dismissed, the device may be confiscated, and your answer document will not be scored. If you brought a calculator, put it away now; you may use it only during the Mathematics Test....

  Please clear your desk of everything except soft lead No. 2 pencils, erasers, and your answer document. Place all personal items under your seat. You will not be able to access them during testing. Your answer document will be scored by machine. Make all marks heavy and black. Fill in each oval or rectangle completely without extending your marks outside the lines. Stray marks, smudges, or errors not carefully and cleanly erased can affect the scoring of your answer document. Do not use a mechanical pencil, ink pen, or correction fluid. If you do, your answer document cannot be scored accurately. Are there any questions?...

  Now, turn your answer document to page 4. I will now hand you a multiple-choice test booklet. Do not break the seal or open it until I tell you to do so. Test booklets are the property of A-C-T and must be returned before you are dismissed. You are strictly prohibited from disclosing test questions or response choices to anyone. When you receive your test booklet, read the directions. When you have finished, look up....

  The following behaviors are prohibited. You will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored if you are found:

  in possession of or using any electronic device during testing or during breaks

  looking back at a test on which time has already been called

  looking ahead in the test booklet

  using a prohibited calculator

  using any device to share or exchange information at any time during testing or during breaks

  using a calculator on any test other than the Mathematics Test

  attempting to remove test materials, including test questions or answers, from the test room by any means

  using highlight pens, colored pens or pencils, scratch paper, notes, dictionaries, or any testing aids not authorized in advance by ACT

  not following instructions or abiding by the rules of this test site

  exhibiting confrontational, threatening, or unruly behavior

  filling in or altering ovals on a test after time has been called on that test. Filling in or altering ovals on a previous test during a later test, even with the test booklet closed, is prohibited. If I notice that a test has not been completed and later notice that it has been, I will dismiss you and your answer document will not be scored.

  Now, in the top-left corner of your regular-type test booklet, find the 6-digit number. Copy it into the “Booklet Number” boxes on your answer document and fill in the corresponding oval in the column below each box....

  Next, find the 3-character test form on the front cover of your test booklet, copy it into the “Form” boxes on your answer document, and fill in the matching oval. If you do not fill in the correct oval, your answer document cannot be scored accurately.

  I will announce when 5 minutes remain on each test to serve as a warning before time is called.

  When I call time and tell you to stop, put your pencil down immediately and look up at me. If you finish before I call time, recheck your work on that test, place your answer document inside your test booklet, and close the cover. You may not read or engage in any other activity that could distract others still testing. From this time on, there must be no talking. Listen carefully to these instructions.

  Test 1 is English. Do not go on to the next test until I tell you to do so. You have up to 45 minutes to complete Test 1. You may now break the seal, open your booklet, turn to Test 1, read the directions carefully, and begin work.

  Stop, put your pencil down. Close your test booklet with your answer document inside and leave it on your desk...
