
2016/01/26 瀏覽次數:9 收藏

  ACT作文標題改造後,從原本的校園題(要不要穿校服,黌舍應不該該有軟飲銷售機)釀成了更切近社會的標題(智能機械和人道,大眾康健和小我自由),並從本來yes or no的選取概念並說讀者的體裁,釀成了3個概念的剖析論說文。

  以前的標題對付寫慣了Do you agree or disagree 題目標同窗,很輕易一上來就選好本身的概念,然後立馬一二三大段開端站隊辯駁。但須要留意的是新ACT寫作題目標請求之一是“剖析並評估所給的概念”(analyze and evaluate the perspectives given)。這和以前題目標請求“可在兩個已給概念中選取一個作為本身的態度,也可另立概念”(you may take write either one of the two points of veiws given oryou may present a different point of the view on the question)比擬,更誇大了剖析已給概念的需要性。


  Educators datable whether high schoolshould provide students with frequent learning opportunities away from school,such as field trips to explore a museum, visit a local business, or attend aplay. Some educators support providing students with frequent field trips becausethey think such trips can offer students interactive experiences that relate towhat students are studying in school. Other educators do not support providingstudents with frequent field trips because they think such trips can be costlyand that school funds are better spent on improving schools’ academic resourcesor facilities. In your opinion, should high schools provide students withfrequent learning opportunities away from school?

  這段標題隱蔽了2個概念:1. Some educators support providing students with frequent fieldtrips(支撐課外出遊) 2、Other educators do not support providing students with frequentfield trips(不支撐課外出遊)



  1、such trips can offerstudents interactive experiences that relate to what students are studying in school(課外出遊可以彌補供給與教室常識相幹的現實互動感受)

  2、trips can be costlyand that school funds are better spent on improving school academic resourcesor facilities(昂貴的課外出遊所花經費更應當用來進步黌舍軟硬件程度)

  3. fieldtrips should be volunteering not mandatory (課外出遊應當是誌願的而非強迫的)




  這一改造目的異常符合大學寫作的目的和請求。大學不管進修哪一個學科,最多見的課後功課是依據一個常識點寫一篇research paper,好比國際幹系的古巴危急,消息學的棱鏡,生物學的多利綿羊,等等不堪累舉。這個常識點多是全新的,大概以前同窗們只有些不周全的觀點。這就不克不及一拿到標題就動筆寫了,寫作前須要瀏覽大批的相幹書本文獻,查閱一些專家學者對付這個常識點是若何界說的,這些作者們之間大概概念類似或辯論乃至位於兩個極度,一個好的research paper,就比如一個案件評審員,是帶著客觀公平的心,在賣力凝聽各方看法的過程當中,蕩漾提煉出本身的態度,並能有充足的來由保衛它。是一種異常好的研討進修和造就批評思惟的方法。

  拿ACT官方給出的intelligent machine為例:

  Perspective1:What we lose with thereplacement of people by machines is some part of our own humanity. Even ourmundane daily encounters no longer require from us basic courtesy, respect, andtolerance for other people.

  Perspective2:Machines are good atlow-skill, repetitive jobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In bothcases they work better than humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperousand progressive world for everyone.

  Perspective 3:Intelligent machineschallenge our long-standing ideas about what humans are

  or can be. This is good because it pushesboth humans and machines toward new, unimagined


  審題可以發明,P2和P3都是支撐intelligent machine的成長,而P1是否決的。豈論同窗選取誰人態度,如那邊理和本身概念對峙的perspective便是可否得高分的癥結。

  OG給出的滿分作文裏,作者選取了偏向於P1的概念,即intelligentmachine的成長會褫奪人道。對付P2和P3支撐intelligent machine的概念,作者花了一整段剖析並供給事例支撐,僅在剖析事後用一個遷移轉變句提出真正論述本身概念的主體段。

  As machines increasingly perform allour basic tasks, society is able to produce more. The additional productionadds material value to our society and frees people up from these low-skilltasks. This is in agreement with Perspective Twowhich claims that this industrialization leads to more prosperity. For example,in the 18th century, short-staple cotton that was grown in the Southern UnitedStates required an immense amount of labor in order to seperate the seeds fromthe fiber to process the cotton to make it marketable. However, in the mid-19thcentury, Eli Whitney, an American entrepreneur, invented the cotton gin, whichallowed for automation of cotton processing. This machine replaced the need ofa large work force for the process and greatly improved production. As a resultof the cotton gin, short-staple cotton production skyrocketed, increasing bymore than 10 times in the South while bringing prosperity to the region andsetting in motion a new industrial era in America. This isin agreement with Perspective Three, which says thatmechanization allows for “unimagined possibilities”. Although there are clearlymany advantages to industrialization, there are also some heavy drawbacks.

  對和本身態度相反的概念賜與尊敬,並剖析,末了得出Due to the risks of dehumanization, the material benefits ofmachines are not enough to justify its increasing presence.的概念時才顯得異常有說服力。



  2016寒假班熱報中 現報名送5000元!

