
2016/05/20 瀏覽次數:6 收藏

  ACT測驗中,時光的緊急性一向是考生們心中永久的痛。特別是瀏覽部門,且豈論題型中有大批無行號的標題(50%-70%),有些標題即使有行號,定位處也是數以五六行動基本——在有限的時光內,要高效,精確地捉住主信息點,做出標題,仿佛是mission impossible, 實則讓考生憂?萬分。

  是以,小編本日就“段落歸納綜合題”,對段落中的重要常見邏輯構造和若何快速控制段落大意(main idea of he paragraph) 來做一個扼要的分享。

  ACT瀏覽文體共為四類(prose fiction, social science, humanity,natural science). 一樣平常而言,在瀏覽小說與人文類題材的時刻,多留意看重個中的人物(character), 幹系(relationship), 立場(toneand attitude) , 大抵的情節(general plot) ,段落的懂得根本上不會太難。而social science 與natural science的文章中,段落構造較為嚴謹和同一,常見的情形有(說明,例證,遷移轉變,援用,比較,次序,分類等)小編扼要選擇個中三種來做一個分享。

  1.說明解釋signal words: in fact, thus, therefore

  The facts about John Huff, aged twelve, are simple and soon stated. He could path find more trails than anyone since time began, could leap from the sky like a chimpanzee from a vine, could live under water two minutes and slide fifty yards down stream from where you last saw him. The baseballs you pitched him he hit in the apple trees, knocking down harvests. Heran laughing. He sat easy. He was no t a bully. He was kind. He knew the names of all the wild flowers and when the moon would rise and set. He was , in fact,the only god living in he whole of Green Town, Illinois, during the twentieth century that Douglas Spaulding knew of.

  在此段落中,前文根本上是對付John Huff年紀,才能各方面的描寫,在瀏覽的過程當中,略讀便可,即使有生詞,也無妨礙大抵的懂得,不消錙銖必較。讀到in fact時刻,應該圈一下,做個條記,表現前文的內容都是辦事於in fact背面的這句話的,也便是段落大意。

  2. 例證 signal words: for example, for instance./ 第一句與後幾句有明顯規模變更

  Comic art has muchin common with all the other forms of literary and visual communication of the twentieth century. As in fiction, the elements of narrative , characterization,and setting are important in accomplished comic art; and as in poetry, ideas must be developed within a very short period of reading time, a few seconds fora comic strip and fifteen minutes or less for a comic book story. As in drama,a story or incident must be staged before our eyes within the artificial strictures of a box-like frame and with all the limitations of a play in terms of compressed time, dialogue, and plot development. As in a motion picture,such visual devices as cutting, framing, close-ups, and montage are used by the comic artist, and the point-of-view is free to roam the world over to places known and fantastic.

  在本段落中,咱們很輕易發明從as in fiction開端,到as in drama, 和末了的 as in a motion picture, 都是對付第一句(topic sentence)的詳細化例子解釋。是以均可以大略瀏覽,全部段落的重要內容一覽無余,即第一句話。

  3 .遷移轉變,妥協 signal words: It is true that…But/ Although......./ ...., however

  If the criteria are made explicit, and can be repeated by other people simply by following the instructions--if, for example, they depend on qualities hat can be measured and are not judged simply according to personal taste--then those criteria can be called ‘objective’. But objective criteria may also be arbitrary. I might, for example, decree that all insects with legs over 2 centimeters long should be placed in a new grouping called ‘mega-insects’.The criterion would be perfectly objective, in the sense that it is explicitand repeatable, which would not be the case if i simply decreed that there should be a special category marked ‘beautiful’. But although the grouping of mega-insects would be objectively defined it would also be arbitrary,. Nothing very special distinguishes insects that just happen to be large, except their largeness.

  The mainfunction of the second paragraph(line13-28) in relation to the passage as awhole is to:

  F. Describe the characteristics and a potential weakness of objective criteria.

  G. Introduce a new scientific concept that the remainder of the passage explores.

  H. Argue the needfor subjective criteria, such as beauty, when classifying items.

  J. Restate asurprising fact about the origin of classification systems

  請同窗必定切記,在遷移轉變的語境中,but/however前面的內容永久是不主要的。是以只須要從but背面開端瀏覽便可。讀完句子又發明一個主要的標記詞for example, 得悉後文長篇大論的內容是個例子,只是支撐前面這句話的,是以略讀。洋洋灑灑這12行字,要讀的有用信息實在只是一句話,便可以解出標題。如許一來,時光天然勤儉下來,生理壓力也會小許多。本題的謎底為F( weakness 對應原文的arbitrary, 都為負立場)。






  高分案例集錦 說話提分的不貳之選


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