托福閱讀材料 前男友總是難以忘懷

2015/04/13 瀏覽次數:6 收藏

  The new generation of women, known as SITCOMs, are looking for love online in a quest to find 'The One' 新一代女性被稱為SITCOMs,她們正在收集戀愛裏探求真愛。

  A new group of women dubbed the SITCOMs (single in twenties, clinging on to memories) is becoming the fastest growing group looking for love online. 一批被稱為SITCOMs的新女性集團(獨身只身,20多歲,執著於回想),正成為探求收集愛情人群中增加速率最快的一群人。

  They might be beautiful, have successful careers and seem like the perfect catch for any man - but they go quickly from one relationship to the next in the elusive search for The One. 她們俏麗且奇跡有成,看起來會是任何漢子的完善工具——然則使人難以捉摸的她們賡續從一段幹系中過渡到另外一段,只為探求“誰人對的他”。

  And the reason they can’t find the perfect partner is because they just cannot get over the big love of their lives. 並且她們沒法找到完善朋友的緣故原由,在於她們便是沒法走出本身曩昔人生中那些深入愛情。

  The SITCOM tag is particularly pertinent because, observers say, these women's love lives resemble those that make up the meat of a television situation comedy. 視察者以為,SITCOM的標簽於她們而言非常適當。這些女性的情緒生存就相似於那些電視景象笑劇的劇本。

  A new survey asked female and male members of a dating site the reasons why they haven’t found the right partner. The most popular answer was that the people they meet online do not match up to a previous lover. 一項新的查詢拜訪在結交網站上征詢男性和女性未能找到幻想朋友的緣故原由。大部門的常見謎底是他們在網上碰到的人都比不上他們的前任。

  A total of 41 per cent of women and 39 percent of men polled said they still had feelings for an ex-lover and this made it difficult to commit to a new partner. 共有41%的女性和39%的男性受訪者認可,他們對前任情人仍有情感,而且這使得他們很難接收新情人。

  Other commitments

  were cited as reasons love had not blossomed, with 24 per cent of women polled saying they were too busy at work, and a further 29 per cent saying they didn’t like meeting new people in bars and clubs. 另有另一些以為是致使戀愛未能著花成果的緣故原由,有24%的女性受訪者說她們事情太忙了,別的另有29%的說她們不愛好在酒吧和俱樂部結識新同夥。

  Sadly for almost a third or men and women a big reason for not finding new love was not having enough friends to help them mix with new people. 可悲的是險些有三分之一的男性和女性未能找到新情人的一大主要緣故原由,是他們沒有充足多的同夥來贊助他們先容熟悉新同夥。

  Nikki Howarth, 26, is typical of the new generation of SITCOMs. She’s blonde, glamorous and earns £300,000 a year running her own party planning business, Eloquent Events, in Nottingham. 尼基·豪沃思本年26歲,是新一代SITCOM女性的典範。她一頭金發,俏麗迷人,而且依附本身在諾丁漢謀劃的派對謀劃公司Eloquent Events 每一年可以賺得30萬英鎊。

  She said: 'I was in a very serious relationship for a long time before I started dating online. It ended badly - he was cheating on me with another woman - but the truth is that I have not properly got over him. 她說:“在我開端網上約會前,我曾閱歷一段長期的很賣力的愛情。這段情感停止地很糟,他劈叉與另一個女人在一路。但究竟是我照樣忘不了他。”

  'Every time I date a new man, I do compare them with my ex - both in the way they look and how we connect emotionally. “每次我和一個新的漢子約會,我都邑拿他跟我的前任比——不管是在他們的長相上照樣在咱們之間的情感交換上。”

  'I am always looking for the same electricity that I shared with my ex and I do tend to end relationships if they don’t live up to the one I had before. “我老是在追求一種類似的觸電感到,那是我和前男朋友之間曾有的感到,並且一旦他們比不上我的前任,我就會想要停止這段幹系。”

  ''Why settle for second best? I guess I am a classic SITCOM. All my girlfriends are the same - we all look back on past lovers and try to find someone who will match them. It is not the healthiest way to find love - but we just can’t help it. “為何要退而求其次呢?我想我是一個典範的SITCOM女。我全部的女性同夥都是如許——咱們眷戀曩昔的情人,而且想要探求比得過前任的某小我。這並非一種探求真愛最康健的方法——但咱們便是沒法抗拒。”

  Cheryl, 29, spent years trying to find love again following her divorce from England footballer Ashley Cole, though has recently started dating. She said last year: 'I will always love Ashley.' 英國有名女星謝麗爾本年29歲,在與英格蘭足球活動員阿什利·科爾仳離以後,她花了許多年去再次探求真愛,固然比來她也開端約會了,但客歲她曾說過:“我會永久愛阿什利。”

  MissTravel owner Brandon Wade said he had noticed an increasing number of so-called SITCOMs going online to find love. He said: 'They are beautiful women who have come out of long-term relationships and are struggling to meet anyone who compares to their ex. 結交網站MissTravel 的全部人布蘭登·韋德說,他留意到網站上如許一群探求真愛的SITCOM女的人數在增加。他說:“她們都是從一段歷久的情感裏出來的俏麗女人,她們掙紮著要碰到任何不減色前任的漢子。”

  'They don’t want to go to pubs and nightclubs so they end up on sites like ours These girls tend to go on a lot of dates while they are search for The One and are very active on our sites. ' “她們不肯意去酒吧或夜店,是以就會來咱們如許的網站。這些女孩在咱們的網站裏異常活潑,在探求誰人對的他的過程當中,她們會約會許多很屢次。”