
2015/06/11 瀏覽次數:7 收藏





  The population of peregrine falcons declined rapidly during the 1950’s and 1960’s and reached an all-time low in the early 1970’s. The decline was attributed by scientists to the widespread use of the pesticide DDT in rural areas

  Which of the following, if true, gives the strongest support to the scientists’ claim?

  (A) DDT was not generally in use in areas devoted to heavy industry

  (B) In the time since the use of DDT was banned in 1972, the population of peregrine falcons has been steadily increasing

  (C) Peregrine falcons, like other birds of prey, abandon eggs that have fallen out of the nest, even if the eggs remain intact

  (D) Starlings, house sparrows, and blue jays-birds the peregrine falcon preys on were not adversely affected by DDT in their habitats

  (E) Other birds of prey, such as the osprey, the bald eagle, and the brown pelican, are found in the same areas as is the peregrine falcon.

  題幹是由果推因,遊隼數目降低由應用殺蟲劑(DDT)而至,咱們無妨將“遊隼數目降低”視為B, 而將“應用DDT”視為A, 假如由B→A準確,那末咱們就能夠得出沒有A就不會存在如今的B,是以咱們就能夠揣摸兩種情形,DDT禁用前與DDT禁用後遊隼在數目上的比擬,假如在 DDT禁用後,遊隼數目開端增長的話,那末咱們就會異常確定的是確切是殺蟲劑的應用致使了遊隼數目的削減。這類範例的標題失足的重要緣故原由有兩點:一:考生沒法掌控題幹請求,在段落內容以外舉行推理;二:沒法將題幹給出的緣故原由視做獨一緣故原由。


  考生應能在日常平凡的賡續演習的過程當中,進修找出論點和結論的才能,並根據二者的幹系舉行斷定,只要弄清論點和結論也就相稱於找出了謎底。在實踐演習中,考生也應擅長從題幹所描寫的工具中找出焦點癥結詞語,一樣平常來說,咱們可以經由過程在選項中參加Not 來斷定推理建立的有用性並消除那些誤選項。
