
2015/06/12 瀏覽次數:8 收藏

  Common causes of work stress


  Another colleague and I recently helped facilitate a workshop on how to deal with stress. It was a group of 13 professionals, so we had ample time for reflection and discussion. Participants shared some of the same concerns that I see popping up in blog comments:

  比來,我和一名同事配合贊助促進了一個"壓力減緩講習班"的建立。這個講習班有13位專家,是以咱們有充足裕如的時光來舉行自我檢查和評論辯論。 班裏的同窗們訊問了一些我在博客的留言上也常看到的題目,以下 :

  How do you deal with increasing expectations in an environment of decreasing resources?


  How do you deal with bullies, not only at school but also in the workplace?


  How do you give your job your all and still have something left?


  Here's some of what we talked about:

  如下是咱們講習班的評論辯論成果 :

  It's up to you to determine what's crucial for your health and well-being, and how to balance that with responsibilities that are truly "mission-critical." For example, I recently agreed to participate in an early morning meeting I didn't have much interest in it. I had to get up especially early and consequently by the end of the day, I felt like I had the IQ of a zucchini because of fatigue. Not the best use of my time and energy.


  You don't have to be a perfectionist in everything you do. For example, if I spend 10 hours to prepare a slide presentation when 8 hours would've done, I've lost two hours. That time won't be noticed by my audience, but it might've been spent on another task or responsibility.


  You don't have to allow yourself to be "bullied" by leaders in your organization. One woman shared how she addressed the problem privately over a cup of coffee and came away feeling empowered. She acknowledged that the situation will never be ideal, but she feels that by speaking up she's at least ensured that it won't be so unsettling.


  In the end, we all agreed that you have to find a way to take care of yourself physically and mentally, despite the pressures of the workforce. If you let your health deteriorate, your work performance likely will be affected and, thus, your job security.
