
2015/06/25 瀏覽次數:5 收藏


  西雅圖——作為亞馬遜(Amazon)和微軟(Microsoft)等公司的故鄉,處於遍及灣(Puget Sound)的這個繁華地區,可以輕松躋身美國一流科技中間之列。

  但與美國其他大型科技中間比擬,它有一個顯著的軟弱關鍵:這裏只有一所主要的研討型大學,即華盛頓大學(University of Washington),而其他中間最少有兩所這類檔次的大學。

  多年來,這個軟弱關鍵令本地人覺得不安,由於這裏對盤算機相幹人材的需求激增,而對人材的造就卻不敷,其差距有大概會攔阻該地域的經濟成長。“咱們早就意想到,在高級教導方面,咱們相對於處在劣勢,”微軟總司法參謀布拉德福德·L·史姑娘(Bradford L. Smith)說。

  本周四,西雅圖學術界和貿易界的首腦,頒布了樹立一所新高校的籌劃,目標是增強該地域高科技經濟的教導基本。這所機構名為環球立異學院(Global Innovation Exchange),是華盛頓大學和中國一流的研討型院校清華大學互助建立的,將在2016年秋天開學,開設技巧立異相幹的碩士學位課程。


  它最初只招收幾十邏輯學生,但籌劃在十年裏增長到逾3000名。清華大學將贊助該學院招收中國粹生,這供給了一個主要的環球性維度,華盛頓大學的暫時校長安娜·瑪麗·科斯(Ana Mari Cauce)表現。



  華盛頓州學天生就理事會(Washington Student Achievement Council)是該州當局一所存眷教導的機構,其2013年的一份申報稱,該州每一年須要別的再造就2700名盤算機科學學士,能力知足該地域店主2021年前的估計需求量。華盛頓大學今朝每一年向約莫300邏輯學生付與盤算機科學學位。

  總部處於西雅圖的在線房地產公司Redfin的首席履行官格倫·凱爾曼(Glenn Kelman)表現,他從未見過一個地域如斯單一地只依附一所研討機構。“來到這裏的時刻我震動了,”凱爾曼說。“真的,微軟、亞馬遜、十幾家和咱們範圍同樣大,和數百家範圍更小的公司,都在從統一批盤算機科學卒業生當選人。卒業生少得使人難以置信。”

  矽谷的成長和兩家高級教導機構的氣力親密相幹,它們分離是公立的加州大學伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)和私立的斯坦福大學(Stanford)。作為一所公立大學,華盛頓大學有在全美壓倒一切的盤算機科學課程。但由於沒有充足的資金擴充教授教養才能,黌舍會謝絕大批申請盤算機科學的門生。




  環球立異學院的假想,在必定水平上是受了康奈爾科技學院(Cornell Tech)的啟示。該項目籌劃在紐約的羅斯福島上開辦一個重要辦事於盤算機科學的新校區。已於本周開工的該項目,也有一個國際互助火伴,以色列理工學院(Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)。康奈爾的項目將包含與科技公司的親密協作,這在必定水平上是為了讓本身能更迅速地應答行業趨向。

  康奈爾科技學院的院長丹尼爾·P·胡滕洛赫爾(Daniel P. Huttenlocher)表現,看到西雅圖地域這個項目啟動,他覺得很高興。


  開創人已開端習氣用首字母縮寫GIX來指代環球立異學院了,這是在效仿以MIT來指代美國壓倒一切的科技類院校麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)。他們乃至偶然還會把這個名字讀作geeks(意為“極客”——譯註)。



  SEATTLE — With hometown companies like Amazon and Microsoft, this bustling region on the Puget Sound easily ranks in the top tier of technology hubs in the United States.

  But the area lags its peers in one glaring way: It is home to a single major research university, the University of Washington, while nearly every other big technology scene in the country has at least two.

  For years, that weakness has stoked local unease about whether the gap between the supply of people with computer-related degrees and the surge in demand for those skills could impede the region’s economy. “We’ve long realized we’re at a relative competitive disadvantage when it comes to higher education,” said Bradford L. Smith, Microsoft’s general counsel.

  On Thursday, Seattle’s top academic and business leaders unveiled a plan to create a new institute of learning, with the goal of strengthening the educational foundation of the region’s high-tech economy. The institute, the Global Innovation Exchange, is a partnership between the University of Washington and one of China’s leading research universities, Tsinghua University. It will open in fall 2016 with a master’s degree program in technology innovation.

  Microsoft will contribute $40 million to help the institute get started. Some of the money will go toward creating a base for the institute in a large new urban development project in Bellevue, Wash., about 10 miles from the University of Washington’s main campus. Faculty for the school will come from the University of Washington, Tsinghua and, eventually, a couple other international universities the Global Innovation Exchange expects to attract as partners.

  It will start with only a few dozen students, but the institute has a goal of more than 3,000 a decade from now. Tsinghua is expected to help recruit Chinese students to the institute, providing an important global aspect, said Ana Mari Cauce, interim president of the University of Washington.

  “This will be the first time a Chinese university has a physical spot in the U.S.,” Dr. Cauce said in an interview before the public announcement of the institute. “That’s a big deal.”

  The institute will not initially grant undergraduate degrees, which will limit its potential to make a dent in the region’s deficit of technology talent, at least in the near term. But the participants in the project said it was too early to predict what the institute could eventually become. “Fundamentally, it’s about looking ahead a decade and a century,” Mr. Smith said.

  A 2013 report by the Washington Student Achievement Council, a state agency focused on education, said the state needed to produce more than 2,700 additional bachelor’s degrees annually in computer science to meet projected employer demand in the region through 2021. The University of Washington currently awards about 300 computer science degrees a year.

  Glenn Kelman, chief executive of Redfin, an online real estate company based in Seattle, said he had never seen a region so solely dependent on one research institution. “I was shocked when I got here,” Mr. Kelman said. “Really, it’s Microsoft and Amazon and a dozen other companies our size and hundreds of even smaller ones picking over the same group of graduating computer scientists. It’s an incredibly small group of people.”

  Silicon Valley’s development is closely linked to the strength of two institutes of higher education, one public and the other private, the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford. The University of Washington, a public university, has one of the top computer science programs in the country. But it turns away a significant number of students applying for computer science because it has not had enough money to increase capacity.

  The university is seeking to graduate more computer science students through an effort separate from the Global Innovation Exchange. Last week, it announced that Microsoft was the lead donor, with a $10 million gift, for a $110 million effort to build a new 130,000-square-foot computer science building, one that will allow the university to double, to 600, the number of degrees it awards annually in the field.

  The institute will not concentrate on long-term research at first, focusing instead on “project-based learning,” in which students work on intensive, short-term undertakings. The first students will work on projects related to wearable technology and the Internet of things.

  “China and the United States are two leading economies with enormous strengths in technological innovation,” said Qiu Yong, president of Tsinghua University. “The higher educational collaboration between them facilitates the scientific and technological progress and social development around the world.”

  The Global Innovation Exchange was inspired partly by Cornell Tech, an effort to create a major new computer science-focused campus on Roosevelt Island in New York. That project, which had its groundbreaking this week, also has an international partner in Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. The Cornell project will involve close collaborations with technology companies, partly to make it more responsive to industry trends.

  Daniel P. Huttenlocher, the dean of Cornell Tech, said he was excited to see the institute in the Seattle area get off the ground.

  “These are leading-edge experiments in how to educate students for a new kind of world,” said Dr. Huttenlocher, who spoke with the University of Washington educators as they were planning the project.

  In a nod to one of the top technical universities in the country, M.I.T., the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the founders of the Global Innovation Exchange have already taken to referring to it by the initials G.I.X. They even occasionally pronounce the name as “geeks.”

  “These days geeks rule,” Dr. Cauce said.