
2015/09/09 瀏覽次數:3 收藏



  Remarkably, a person learning Cherokee using the syllabary is able to read and write the language in an extremely short period of time compared to the time it takes someone to master the English language. Its use among the nation’s Cherokee people spread quick.

  改成:The syllabary’s use (這是一個常考點,指代必定要明白)


  比方:After sliding the shaft of the replacement feather over the sturdy, light bamboo stick, glue---just a touch---is applied.

  A.No change

  B. a touch of glue is applied by the rehabilitator

  C.The application of a touch of glue follows

  D.The rehabilitatior applies a touch of glue

  After引誘一個分句,slide這個動詞應用的是如今分詞情勢,解釋這個分句的主語與slide是自動幹系,After sliding the shaft of the replacement feather over the sturdy, light bamboo stick,在這個分句裏,缺乏一個主語,就暗指這個分句的主語和背面的主句裏的主語是同等的,以是就要在ABCD四個選項中選取一個可以和slide構成自動幹系的主語,A選項是glue膠水作主語,不克不及和slide滑行構成自動幹系。B選項是a touch of glue作主語,不克不及和slide滑行構成自動幹系。C選項是The application of a touch of glue作主語,不克不及和slide滑行構成自動幹系。只用D選項是The rehabilitatior修補羽毛的人作主語,能和slide滑行構成自動幹系。


  ①In tackling his assignment, popular ball game elements were borrowed.

  A. No change

  B.elements from popular ball games were borrowed.

  C. Naismith borrowed elements from popular ball games.

  D. Naismith’s borrowing of elements from popular ball games.

  ②Etched with the names of fallen soldiers, visitors had adorned the wall with flowers and American flags left in remembrance.

  A. No Change

  B. adorning the wall were flowers and American flags that visitors had left.

  C. flowers and American flags adorned the walls, left by visitors.

  D. the wall was adorned with flowers and American flags that visitors had left.

  ③ As I lay crying into my pillow, hearing the door to the dorm suite open.

  A No change B I was hearing C I hear D having heard


  Letters between the two suggest that Susan might frequently have given feedback on her work, including some of her most famous poems, composed at her home in Amherst, Massachsetts.


  ⑴After Helga’s death, her own children burned the hundreds of pages Helga had written through the years, leaving only a small scrapbook of newspaper clippings and very few details of Helga’s life or her ill-fated trip.(After Helga’s death, her own children burned the hundreds of pages Helga had written through the years,這是一個有分句,有主句的完全的復合句,背面的leave應用ing情勢是彌補解釋前面一個完全復合句的行動所發生的成果,由於是為全部復合句作彌補解釋,以是要用逗號離隔)

  ⑵Newcomers to Joe’s marvel at the stack of corned beef and sauerkraut spilling from the bread onto my plate.(corned beef and sauerkraut是名詞意思是牛肉末和酸菜,背面的spill是動詞意思是溢出,二者是自動幹系,以是要用spilling,彌補解釋名詞牛肉末和酸菜的狀況是要溢出來了。以是要牢牢跟在名詞牛肉末和酸菜的背面。)


  ①Sarah called them “scalp specialists” and hair and beauty “culturists” using these terms to emphasize the professional nature of the treatments.

  A.No change B “culturists” ; using C “culturists”: using D “culturists,” using

  ②She contributed the largest donation to the effort to save Frederick Douglass’s home,maintaining, the building as a historical museum.

  A no change B home,maintaining C home; maintaining D home maintaining,


  ①Being full of surprise, I hear her crying as she runs to her room.

  A.No change B Since I was surprised, C Being surprised, D Much to my surprise,

  Being full of surprise,這個分句和背面的主句共用一個主語I,作狀語。Being full of surprise,就即是 Since I was full of surprise, 以此類推,Being surprised, 就即是 Since I was surprised, ABC都是一個意思(由於我覺得驚奇,我聽到她哭了)以是要選取D,讓我驚奇的是,…

  ② Curiosity overwhelming me and I tiptoe through the common room to her still-open door.

  A No change B me, and I C me, I D me.I

  Curiosity overwhelming me 是一個如今分詞組成的分句,主語是Curiosity,動詞overwhelm應用ing情勢組成緣故原由狀語,改為完全的分句應當是:Because curiosity overwhelms me, I tiptoe through the common room to her still-open door. 以是要選取 分句,主句。

  ③ Pupils learning his new method and architectural vocabulary, van der Rohe worked tirelessly as an educator, with only limited success.

  A No change B While pupils learn C To teach pupils D Pupils being taught

  A D 都是分詞情勢,A,Pupils learning his new改成完全的句子是While pupils learnt his new…

  D,Pupils being taught改成完全的句子是while pupils were taught…



  ④ Born in Kansas in 1897, Earhart broke what were then the rules for girls right from the start.

  Born in Kansas in 1897,是分句,和背面的主句共用一個主語Earthart,這小我出身要用被動態,改成完全的句子就應當使When he was born in Kansas in 1897, Earhart broke what….

  ⑤Chosen because it was then the largest inland manufacturing city in the city.

  because it was then the largest inland manufacturing city in the city 這是一個because引誘的緣故原由狀語從句,前面的動詞choose(選取)應用的是它的曩昔分詞表達被動幹系,又沒主語,解釋與背面的because引誘的緣故原由狀語從句共用一個主語,便是it。這個由一個曩昔分詞組成的主句改為完全的句子應當是It was chosen because it was then largest…..


  Mies sought to cast off what he found to be one of the main problems with contemporary architecture, and overly decorative and ornamental structures with no”function” were wasteful uses of space and material.

  A no change B architecture that C architecture, which D architecture: that

  假如你選取B或C,你就把這個句子當做定語從句來對待了,也就象征著你要定前面的名詞architecture,若何鑒別定語從句用的是不是適合,磨練方法是把architecture代入這個定語從句裏看看是不是句子意思清晰,Mies sought to cast off what he found to be one of the main problems with contemporary architecture, which overly decorative and ornamental structures with no”function” were wasteful uses of space and material. 很顯著,在這個定語從句裏,architecture overly decorative and ornamental structures with no”function” were wasteful uses of space and material.意思是不清晰的,以是咱們以為這裏不克不及應用定語從句。


  In order to escape the oppressive Nazi regime, van der Rohe who left Germany for the United States

  I am an only child who has never been more than 30 minutes away from her parents.

  We attempted “canyoning,” which was our most exhilarating adventure yet!

  7.if 從句


  A daughter was born to former salves Minerva and Owen.

  (牢固詞組be born to出身於誰家)

  All the while, I slowly taught myself more Chinese with a language.

  All the while, 一向,始終

  My project team had already taken a quick liking to me

  Take a liking to sb/sth (開端愛好。。。)

  I fought off fear and cobwebs in equal measure.

  fight off (盡力解脫某事物) in equal measure.(雷同地)

  in actuality (究竟上)

  more often than not=as often as not=usually(平日)

  compel sb to do sth (迫使或人做某事)

  dissuade sb from doing sth (勸阻或人做某事)

  prevent sb from doing sth (勸阻或人做某事)

  stop sb from doing sth (勸阻或人做某事)

  I know I am making a complete spectacle of myself.

  Make a spectacle of oneself (出或人的洋相,draw attention to sb)

  His enthusiasm rubbed off on me.(沾染給或人,通報給或人)

  Why is it that we are so completely obsessed with the hair on our heads?

  Be obsessed with sth (入神於。。。)

  Be fed up with …(厭倦。。。)
