學俚語記單詞:a shot across the bow

2015/06/04 瀏覽次數:298 收藏

  a shot across the bow  發出告誡

  bow可以指船首,a shot across the bow本來是水師的專用語,通用了兩百來年了。它指兵艦對可疑船只發炮,落到切近那條船的船首作為告誡,敕令這艘船停滯進步。如果它不平服從令,那末兵艦就會直接向它開仗了。在近十來年來,這個陳腐的軍用術語被借用到其他處所,特別風行於官場或工商界。


  例句: Before the final vote several prominent Democrats fired a shot across the bow of the White House warning the administration it wouldn't get the votes to pass the bill before adjournment unless it included more of what their party wanted.

  他說:在舉行末了表決曩昔,幾名重要的民主黨人告誡白宮:除非行政政府把民主黨的請求也包含在這項議案裏,當局弗成能在國會休會前獲得經由過程這項議案所須要的票數。明顯這段話裏的a shot across the bow意思是發出告誡。


  North Korea's rhetoric is also a shot across the bow of the Obama Administration.
