
2015/10/21 瀏覽次數:2 收藏


  >>> 本月原始


  寫了一個accounting 公司 開辟 SP 一種軟件。然後這個公司發明因為許多都是nonprofessional customer 用這個軟件,甚麽market被競爭敵手占領了有個out-的詞沒看懂(背單詞啊!魂淡!)。但是這個公司經由過程查詢拜訪, 發明大多半professional customer認為他們的軟件很sophisticated很好用。 是以, 這個公司想經由過程研發advanced software 去increase sale.


  JJ裏有,accounting software SmartPro那道


  一個公司賣兩種管帳軟件,一種針對專業人群,一種針對non專業人群。然後報表出來了,一小我報告請示說咱們賣給專業人士的那一塊賣的很好!賣給通俗人的不太 好,被競爭敵手totally幹掉了。下面咱們決議把專業版的advanced功效加到通俗版裏,如許通俗版的銷量會好。


  1 專業版的人和通俗人need分歧

  2 賣得好另有其余身分,好比marketing做的好欠好甚麽的,不是加了功效就行的

  3 移植不必定勝利,並且就會讓兩款產物類似,沒有差別了,專業版的人大概會去買通俗版,致使專業版銷量下去了

  >>> 考古原題(感激SansanHe的供給)

  From GMAT AWA 最新題庫 - 2010

  The following appeared in a memorandum to a team developing accounting software for SmartPro Software, Inc.:

  “Currently, more professional accountants use SmartPro accounting software than any other brand. However, in the market for personal accounting software for non-professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are outselling us. In surveys, our profession al customers repeatedly say that they have chosen SmartPro Software because our most sophisticated software products include more advanced special features than competing brands. Therefore, the most effective way for us to increase sales of our personal accounting software for home users would clearly be to add the advanced special features that our professional software products currently offer.”

  >>> 參考思緒

  1. 毛病比擬:他家的產物收專業人士迎接是由於相符用戶需求,the fact that competitor’s product is more popular with homeuser may contribute to the good user experience, integrated function, or beautiful user interface.

  2. 無依據假如:把專業產物加到homeuser的軟件中去必定能進步銷量嗎?用戶大概由於功效太多,操縱未便捷等緣故原由不應用Smartpro的專業產物。

  3. 因果幹系:進步銷量的方法不止是擴展應用群體,還多是貶價增長競爭力,研發多元化的產物等。