
2015/10/23 瀏覽次數:2 收藏

  32. 削減新航班(考古)

  >>> 本月原始


  考的近幾年oil price上漲,P啥子公司expand它們的airline到新的5 cities,然則它們的profits降低了(同時別公司的other airlines 的profits增長了)以是他們就認為是expand致使了profits降低,以是盤算cut



  >>> 考古


  This is a letter written by a business analyst sending to the CEO of the company.A Airline company has been through profit decrase. Recently the oil price has increase, but since other airplane company continue improving profit when oil price increase. To improve profit, the company have to cut its newly added flight routes。 Provincia Airline's profit decreased last year, analyst concluded: 1. oil price increase;2. new flights were added.Since other airlines also faced roaring oilprice, the reason why profits dropped down was the new flights.New flights should be elimated.


  航空公司增長新航路今後利潤跌了20%,公司發起shutdown the newly added flights。別的另有一個配景:其時油價高企,以是對航空公司有負面影響,然則公司看到其他航空公司面對一樣的高油價,仍能進步利潤,以是公司認為高油價不是公司利潤縮水的重要緣故原由!而新開的航路是!以是必需關那些新航路.


  1. 充足需要前提:flight expansion 是 profit 削減的獨一前提?也有多是搭客削減。

  2. 毛病類比:其他公司 increase their profitability 不必定便是削減number of flight,大概是他們的辦事更好,客人更愛好選取他們公司。

  3. 無依據假如:Decrease flight expansion必定會使 profit上升?固然削減航班數目,可以削減overall cost,然則 revenue from these flights 也是一樣削減。