
2015/10/27 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

  35. 購置不動產(考古)

  >>> 本月原始


  prices of commercial real estate in Sandida Heights have been rising for several years, while the prices in Palm Grove remain steadily. similar retail spaces in SH are more expensive than those in PG, so the retail spaces in SH is overprice. It would be financial interest if we buy real estate in PG...


  或人給老板寫信說,比來S市的commercial real estate價錢增加敏捷,而鄰近的H市根本穩定,他以為S市的retail space的價錢也會猛升的,是以發起老板,多買S市的retail space鼎力成長,不買H市等等其他處所的。



  2.無理假如:commercial real estate漲價,retail space不必定漲價,會受許多身分影響;

  3.數占有效性:“commercial real estate價錢增加敏捷” 並未說起新聞的起源,此信息不必定精確。



  貿易房地產價錢在S地的價錢很高,而adjacent的都會H地卻低許多。S地是這個地域的產業中間,汗青上來講為該地域供給了許多的就業機遇。並且將來來看,這個地域的房價比擬H地必定不會像如今如許。以是選取H地能帶來financial interests 。



  考了commercial real estate prices 在Sandida Height比Palm 高的誰人


  一個甚麽Sandida Heights的房價這幾年穩固增加,然則閣下的Palm Grove的房價沒變。由於S太貴了,以是作者認為S的房價是overprice的。結論是買PG的屋子會比買S的profitable。

  >>> 考古原題

  The following appeared in a letter from a part-owner of a small retail clothing chain to her business partner:

  “Commercial real estate prices have been rising steadily in the Sandida Heights neighborhood for several years, while the prices in the adjacent neighborhood of Palm Grove have remained the same. It seems obvious, then, that a retail space in Sandida Heights must now be much more expensive than a similar space in Palm Grove, which was not the case several years ago. So, it appears that retail spaces in Sandida Heights are now overpriced relative to those in Palm Grove. Therefore, it would be in our financial interest to purchase a retail space in Palm Grove rather than in Sandida Heights.”

  >>> 參考思緒

  1. Gratuitous assumption:

  (the real estate price in Sadida Heights have been ring while then prices in Palm Grove have remained unchanged in not sufficient to reach the conclusion that a retail space in Sandida Heights is not much more expensive than a similar in Plam Grove )

  2. 毛病因果幹系

  ( more expensive, caused the retail spaces are now overpriced)大概由於P城是 underpriced 呢?

  3) Gratuitous assumption:

  由於價錢低, 以是買P 城, 這個大概不是個好主張, 其他競爭敵手也有一樣的設法主意, P城的競爭壓力大。