
2015/10/27 瀏覽次數:3 收藏


  >>> 本月原始


  進步information technology會enhance the productivity of the employee。背面另有一句是every dollar spend on 進步技巧will increase firm’s profit margin.






  員工productivity 進步能給firm帶來更多額profit。由於hardware 和software的進步能使main work是用電腦的員工的efficiency進步,乃至productivity進步。以是應用最佳的hardware 和software能maximize公司的profit margin.


  考的是advertising firm的IT部分說new technology可以maximizing profit


  便是a advertising firm的誰人,僻靜的第34個,和考古原題千篇一律。

  >>> 考古原題

  The following appeared in a memorandum from the information technology department of a major advertising firm:

  “The more efficient a firm’s employees are, the more profitable that firm will be. Improvements in a firm’s information technology hardware and software are a proven way to increase the efficiency of employees who do the majority of their work on computers. Therefore, if our firm invests in the most powerful and advanced information technology available, employee productivity will be maximized. This strategy ensures that every dollar spent on enhanced

  information technology will help to increase our firm’s profit margins.”

  >>> 參考思緒

  1. 毛病假如:沒法包管投入更多的資金更新信息技巧就可使公司得到更多的利潤。在員工沒有獲得實時培訓時,員工才能沒法到達新型技巧請求,臨盆率照樣沒法進步,故而利潤沒法進步。

  2. 自己利潤空間很小,改良信息技巧後投入增長,員工事情效力進步帶來的利潤增長填補不了新技巧帶來的本錢的增長,極可能會使利潤降低乃至賠本。

  3. 現有案例沒法支撐memorandum 中的概念,即以為信息技巧更加達,工人的事情效力越高,進而公司的利潤越多。