
2015/11/10 瀏覽次數:5 收藏


  1.Eye 眼睛

  an eye for an eye 以牙還牙,抨擊

  catch someone’s eye 引或人註視,使人註視

  give someone a black eye 打得或人鼻青臉腫

  be all eyes 極留意地看著,異常留心

  see eye to eye(with)看法同等,態度雷同

  see with half an eye 一看就明確

  shut one’s eye to 置之度外

  have an eye for 對……有斷定力

  keep an eye on 照看,親密留意

  in the eyes of 在……的心目中,在……看來

  make eyes at sb 向或人送秋波

  make sb open his eyes 使或人張口結舌,受驚

  2.Ear 耳朵

  go in at one ear and out at the other 左耳進右耳出,當耳旁風

  pick up one’s ears 豎起耳朵聽

  up to the(one’s)ears 深陷在(債務等中),債台高築

  wet behind the ears 黃口孺子

  be on one’s ears 在發怒

  be all ears 聚精會神地諦聽

  give ear to 聽,諦聽,留意

  give one’s ears 不吝任何價值(要)

  have an (no)ear for 對……聽覺敏銳(不敏銳)

  sleep on both ears 甜睡,熟睡

  turn a deaf ear to 對……置之度外,對……不聞不問

  3.Mouth 嘴

  down in (at) the mouth 沒精打采

  from mouth to mouth 口口相傳,普遍傳播

  put words in(to)someone’s mouth 教人怎樣說,誣指或人說過某話

  stop someone’s mouth 使或人沉默

  take the words out of someone’s mouth 爭先說或人想說的話

  from the horse’s mouth (新聞等)第一手的,直接得來的,起源靠得住的

  in the mouth of 出於……之口

  make a mouth 做鬼臉

  open one’s mouth wide 獅子大啟齒(指索高價);天花亂墜

  4.Nose 鼻子

  lead someone by the nose 掌握或人,牽著或人的鼻子走

  pay through the nose 花大價格,被敲竹杠

  turn up one’s nose (at)歧視,瞧不起,不屑一顧

  under someone’s (very) nose 在或人眼前,當著或人的面

  as plain as the nose on your face 不言而喻,一覽無余

  bite sb’s nose off 八面威風地答復或人

  follow one’s nose 筆挺走;憑本能行事

  look down one’s nose at 瞧不起

  thumb one’s nose (at) (向……)作鄙棄(或淩辱)的手勢;((對……)不屑一顧

  5.Tongue 舌

  give tongue 直言無忌,明白地表現出來

  hold one’s tongue 緘默不語,住嘴

  keep a civil tongue 措詞謹嚴,措辭高雅,措辭彬彬有禮

  with one’s tongue in one’s cheek 假心冒充地;(措辭)無至心地;心口不一地

  bite the tongue 堅持沉默,不作聲

  have lost one’s tongue 語塞;鉗口不言;因…說不出話來,噤不克不及言

  on the tongues of men (on everyone’s tongue) 被世人評論辯論

  smite with the tongue 血口噴人,毀謗;訓斥
