Talk show原來也可以當口語素材

2015/12/01 瀏覽次數:7 收藏

  熟習美國脫口秀的孩子們確定對Jimmy Kimmel不生疏,他的《吉米雞毛秀》是美國婦孺皆知的強檔節目。平日在節目裏會有記者去陌頭就某個熱點話題采訪路人,讓大眾表達一下對該事宜的意見。有的時刻路人的答復的確讓人哭笑不得。好比蘋果6s宣布會剛停止,他們就派人去街上用初代iphone亂來大眾,說這是最新款iphone,讓眾人談體驗,成果初代iphone收到了人們的同等好評。

  美國same-sex marriage正當後,該節目又派人去街上采訪路人對此事的意見,不外此次采訪的工具是一群孩子,因而這些孩子的答復,的確讓觀眾樂開了花。假如你看完這段視頻後,也被他們逗樂了,那末恭喜你,a child that made you laugh這個話題,有素材了!固然內裏采訪了很多多少的孩子,不外眾人可以把搞笑的答復都說成是某一名搞怪的娃講的嘛!因而這個題目標謎底,就能夠這麽說:

  I once watched a video which was an on-the-street interview asking a bunch of American kids about their opinion on the same-sex marriage. And there was this one particular kid who’s really hilarious. Actually, it’s not that he has a great sense of humor or anything. It’s the way he thinks that is funny.

  I have to say the reporter’s questions were all very simple, but children can always give unexpected answers which can crack people up. And some of the kids were much more mature than we thought they would be, like… when the reporter asked, why do you think people get married, and he said, because they love each other and they feel the connection, honestly I don’t think it’s something that usually comes out of a four-year-old’s mouth.

  Anyway, when this kid I was talking about earlier was asked why people get married, his response was “Maybe the lady’s pregnant.” And the next question, “When do you think people should get married?” I’m sure the reporter meant at what stage people should settle down, but he said, “In the afternoon?” And the reporter kept on asking, “Do you want to get married?” he said “Not really, because when you get married, your wife is entitled to any money you have.” After hearing his answer, I just burst out laughing. I think he’s surprisingly sophisticated yet childish when it comes to some simple questions. So you see, that’s why he made me laugh, and not just me, the reporter burst into laughter as well.

  讓咱們禱告考官沒看過這段視頻吧!不外看了也沒緊要,實在考官在Part 2也不期望咱們完整講真話的啦!列位加油!