
2015/12/01 瀏覽次數:2 收藏


  【因數與質因數 (Factors and Prime Factors)】



  謎底 11

  括號拆開得8!+9*8!+6*8!=16*8! 分化質因數 含有2的11次方

  【余數 (Remainders) 】

  8. 一道題考7的14次冪的個位數是若幹

  謎底 9

  從7的1次方個位數字算起 挨次為 7 9 3 1的輪回 14除以4余2 在第二個地位 為9

  9. p is the sum of 3 consecutive integers a b c and the product of 3 consecutive integers x y z, what is the remainder when p is divided by 5

  (1) the remainder is 1 when a is divided by 5

  (2) the remainder is 1 when x is divided by 5

  謎底 D

  前提一 (5n+1)(5n+2)(5n+3) 除常數項6 都為5的倍數 以是余1不會變

  前提二 (5n+1)+(5n+2)+(5n+3)=15n+6 同上