
2015/12/08 瀏覽次數:4 收藏


  影響:affect, touch

  把咱們帶到:lead us, take us

  引發:arising from, brought about

  想象:image, visualize

  勤學校:a great high school, a good independent school

  高等課程:a special program of studies, an advanced program of studies

  勤學生:outstanding boys and girls, boys and girls of high ability, superior students

  題目:problems, question, trouble, matter

  經濟窘迫:financial cares, financial pressures

  很多:many, enormous, large numbers of

  人:people, individuals

  賦閑:unemployment, jobless

  大多半美國人:most Americans, the majority of Americans

  積累財產:make money and posses luxuries, amass wealth and possessions

  生成:be born with, be endowed with

  特殊的:something special, something super-normal

  永不平服的精力:a never surrender attitude, an unrelenting drive to succeed, an uncompromising personality

  巨人:become great, great achievers

  迷住了:became fascinated with, became obsessed with

  思慮研討:think about, work out

  成就優良門生:high-achieving students, the students at the top of the class, A students

  舉例:example of, illustration of

  直覺:intuition, six sense

  回報:payoff, rewards

  檢討:check, review

  新的:new, changed, altered

  灌註貫註思惟:imbue sb with the notion, inculcate in sb the notion

  不曉得:ignorance, no one knows, little is known about

  很多:a large portion of, a bounteous source of, many

  供給:provide, furnish

  進修:learn, acquire

  熱起來:boom, explode in popularity

  收到:pick up, absorb

  信息:signals, messages

  踴躍反響:reacted positively, performed accordingly
