
2015/06/03 瀏覽次數:3 收藏

  1. f (x) = 5x + 10. If x=10, then what is the value of f(x)?

  a. 25

  b. 60

  c. 12

  d. 5

  2. Mr. Robinson has 20 students in his martial arts class. The ratio of boys to girls is 4:1. How many boys and girls are in Mr. Robinson's class?

  a. 15 boys, 5 girls

  b. 5 boys, 15 girls

  c. 16 boys, 4 girls

  d. 4 boys, 16 girls

  SSAT真題逐日一練10月12日(數學)謎底:1. B 2. C
