
2015/12/31 瀏覽次數:6 收藏



  1, amorphous 沒有外形的without definite shape or form

  2, crisis 危急an unstable situation of extreme danger or diffi culty

  3, efface 擦掉;清除to erase, destroy

  4, fiasco 慘敗an utter and often ridiculous failure

  5, imply 表示to suggest

  6, melee 互毆a fight between a confused mass

  7, pinnacle 小尖塔; 極點the highest point

  8, revert 規復to come or go back

  9, solace 撫慰comfort in grief, alleviation of grief and anxiety

  10, surreptitious 鬼鬼祟祟的stealthy, sneaky, secret

  11, aversion 討厭;反感a strong dislike

  12, culpable 有罪的blameworthy

  13, ennui 厭倦;無聊boredom

  14, goad 刺激;用刺棒驅逐;to drive, urge on

  15, impudent 莽撞的disrespectful

  16, naive 稚子的innocent, simple, unsophisticated

  17, prolific 豐碩的;多產的rapidly productive,

  18, ruse 計謀a trick or strategy intended to deceive

  19, proxy 署理a person authorized to act for another noun

  20, taint 汙染 contaminate, corrupt

  21, nefarious 違法的,險惡的wicked

  22, purloin 偷盜steal

  23, satire 譏諷文a literary work used to convey insults or scorn

  24, sporadic 零碎的;不準時的occurring occasionally

  25, trepidation 恐怖nervousness, anxiety

  26, twinge 刺痛,劇痛a sudden, sharp stab of pain

  27, wan 慘白的;無赤色的suggesting poor health, lacking luster, faint

  28, wary 機靈的cautious

  29, wistful 盼望的full of longing

  30, vagrant 流落漢a homeless person who wanders from place to place

  31, abominable 使人憎惡的extremely repugnant or offensive

  32, condone 諒解to overlook, pardon or excuse

  33, emissary 密使an agent or representative sent out with a purpose

  34, idiosyncratic 特質的peculiar to an individual or group

  35, innate 生成的inborn, existing in one since birth

  36, ironic 譏諷的humorously sarcastic or mocking

  37, notorious 汙名昭著的well-known for bad reputation

  38, scull 小劃艇;搖槳an oar to propel a boat;alight narrow racing boat

  39, stifle 梗塞;彈壓;遏止to choke or to repress

  40, dormant 休眠的temporarily inactive or not in use

  41, absolve 赦宥;宣布…無罪to pardon; to clear, acquit

  42, benign 良性的;和氣的,親熱的non-threatening, innocuous

  43, confound 使混雜to puzzle or confuse

  44, emulate 師法;模擬to try hard to equal or surpass someone by imitation

  45, illustrious 有名的,出色的widely known and esteemed

  46, inscribe 鐫刻:題寫to write or engrave words or letters on a surface

  47, itinerant 巡回的traveling from place to place

  48, novice 新手a beginner

  49, sublime 高尚的;卓著的inspiring awe, heavenly

  50, kinetic 活動的moving

  51, abstinence 控制restraint from indulging

  52, barrage 彈幕a long continuous burst of gunfire

  53, congeal 凝聚to become thick and solid

  54, egotist 自信者a conceited and self-centered person

  55, eradicate 鏟除to destroy something completely

  56, impasse 僵局a point at which no further progress can be made or

  57, insinuation 表示something indirectly suggested to another person

  58, obdurate 執拗的stubborn, persistent

  59, sage 明智的;賢人;聖人having great wisdom; somebody who is sage

  60, superfluous 過剩的more than what is needed; not essential

  61, abyss 深淵a bottomless hole

  62, bewilder 使…手足無措to confuse or puzzle

  63, consensus 同等agreement

  64, dubious 疑惑的doubtful

  65, evanescent 輕易消失的;短暫的disappearing after only a short time

  66, impediment 攔阻something that hinders progress

  67, integrity 完全;正派;老實honesty; completeness

  68, jubilant 狂歡的,喝彩的full of high-spirited delight; joyful

  69, obsolescent 曠廢的becoming obsolete

  70, surrogate 取代品someone or something taking the place of another

  71, accord 協定,折衷a treaty or settlement

  72, brash 無禮的,狂妄的;性急的hasty or lacking in sensitivity

  73, contemptuous 歧視的expressing extreme contempt

  74, dread 恐怖a feeling of great fear or terror

  75, exasperate 使….憤怒to make very angry

  76, hue 色彩color

  77, interject 插話to say or insert between what is being said or discussed

  78, juxtapose 並列to place side by side

  79, oration 演說speech, lecture, discourse, prayer

  80, thrifty 節省的frugal, economical

  81, adamant 堅固的,果斷的very determined, steadfast

  82, brig 船上的禁閉室a part of ship that is used as a prison

  83, excavate 發掘to dig

  84, hovel 小屋a small, dirty, or poorly built house

  85, interlude 中央曲;穿插;幕間節目a relatively short period of time between two longer periods

  86, keen 靈敏的,猛烈的eager, sharp, or intense

  87, lackluster 無光芒的,平常的 lacking luster or vitality

  88, ostentatious 誇耀的showy

  89, retrospect 回想the remembering of past events

  90, toil 苦幹to work long and hard

  91, adept 闇練的highly proficient or expert

  92, browbeat 恫嚇to bully or intimidate

  93, contrition 痛悔;悔過feelings of guilt and remorse

  94, disparage 鄙棄;貶低to refer disapprovingly to somebody or something

  95, exquisite 精細的;文雅的very beautiful and delicate

  96, hoary 灰白的gray or white; ancient

  97, interpose 插入to insert between what is saying or doing

  98, laden 充斥的carrying a heavy load or burdened mentally

  99, pact 左券an agreement

  100, tome 卷,冊a large book, especially one made up of several volumes


  1, insipid 平淡的,無味的bland

  2, gala 節日festive

  3, extol 歌頌to praise highly

  4, docile 溫柔的;輕易教的obedient

  5, rectify 糾正; 改正to fix

  6, coy 忸怩的(pretending to be) shy

  7, gratis 免費的free

  8, aloof 冷淡的;冷淡地apart ,reserved,distant

  9, maxim 格言proverb

  10, loquacious 多嘴的garrulous

  11, arduous 艱苦的; 辛苦的difficult

  12, berate 嚴責to criticize

  13, citadel 要塞;碉堡fort

  14, cupidity 貪心greed

  15, drivel 荒謬的談吐nonsense

  16, mutual 相互的shared

  17, abdicate 廢棄to give up one's position

  18, adulterate 摻假to contaminate

  19, mortify 克制;苦修;使…感辱沒to embarrass

  20, clerical 牧師的;牧師的related to the church

  21, facile 輕易的easy, easily done

  22, forswear 廢棄to give up

  23, insolvent 停業者;停業的;無力了償的bankrupt

  24, perilous 傷害的dangerous

  25, truce 休戰pause (in fighting)

  26, cagey 機靈的;狡猾的crafty

  27, wheedle 用花言巧語騙to persuade

  28, hiatus 中斷;裂痕,閑暇pause

  29, hermetic 密封的; 不透氣的sealed

  30, indigent 貧苦的poor

  31, accrue 增長to accumulate

  32, intangible 無形的; 觸摸不到的immaterial

  33, gregarious 交際的; 群居的outgoing

  34, paltry 嚕蘇的; 眇乎小哉的unimportant, small

  35, limpid 清亮的clear

  36, rife 廣泛的;風行的;浩瀚的 widespread; numerous

  37, prone 俯臥的;易於…的1) lying down, 2) likely to do something

  38, caliber 質量;口徑quality

  39, inept 愚笨的;分歧適的not good at something

  40, oscillate 搖動to alternate or waver

  41, vibrant 有活氣的;發抖的lively

  42, infallible 絕無毛病的incapable of making mistakes or being defeated

  43, timid 怯弱的shy, cautious

  44, sullen 慍怒的,不愉快的angrily silent

  45, terse 簡練的concise

  46, vestige 遺址a trace of something that is no longer in existence

  47, indifferent 冷漠的;縮手旁觀的uncaring

  48, compulsory 責任的;強迫的required

  49, enthrall 困惑to captivate someone's attention completely

  50, desecrate 輕瀆to violate something sacred


  51, ostracize 流放;排擠to exclude

  52, obstinate 執拗的persistent, stubborn

  53, valiant 大膽的brave, honorable

  54, circuit 電路circular path

  55, submit 提交;屈從1) to surrender, 2) to give something to someone.

  56, innocuous 無害的harmless

  57, acrid 辛辣的;苦的;苛刻的unpleasantly bitter or strong

  58, shroud 籠罩;壽衣to veil

  59, futile 無效的,無用的hopeless

  60, infamous 無恥的,臭名遠揚的having an extremely bad reputation

  61, dowdy 破舊的,骯臟的shabby

  62, maudlin 易傷感的;愛哭的sentimental

  63, surly 粗魯的;不友愛的rude, mean, threatening

  64, quandary 迷惑;逆境puzzle, predicament

  65, decree 法律order or law

  66, obviate 消除;防止;清除to prevent or interrupt

  67, coax 利用to convince

  68, odious 憎惡的unpleasant

  69, apologist 辯解士a person who defends an idea or policy

  70, portentous 惡兆的threatening, significant

  71, ominous 不吉祥的threatening

  72, escapade 任性妄為;越軌行動;開玩笑adventure

  73, asset 資產something useful or valuable

  74, ravenous 貪心的voracious

  75, ascertain 肯定查明 to find out or determine with certainty

  76, insinuate 表示to imply

  77, surrogate 署理substitute

  78, adjunct 從屬物accessory, inessential part

  79, facility 闇練;舉措措施;靈活ability to do something easily

  80, indigenous 本土的;土著的originating in a region or country

  81, epitaph 墓誌銘writing on a tombstone

  82, stingy 小氣的not generous with money

  83, salvage 挽救;海上救濟to save something damaged for further use

  84, shun 避開to avoid and stay away form

  85, jaunty 高興的,知足的carefree, confident

  86, subsidy 補助;補貼金a grant of money from the government

  87, hamper 攔阻;大蓋籃to prevent ; a basket usually with a cover

  88, waver 遲疑to go back and forth between possibilities

  89, err 出錯to make a mistake

  90, adage 格言,諺語traditional saying expressing general truth

  91, lament 悼念;挽歌;慟哭to express sorrow

  92, foe 仇敵enemy

  93, console 撫慰to provide comfort

  94, curb 克制;路邊石,勒馬繩to restrain or limit

  95, curt (說話)簡短的;粗魯的rude, abrupt

  96, esoteric 機密的;難明的difficult to understand

  97, formidable 壯大的;恐怖的;使人畏敬的difficult to overcome

  98, loath 委曲的;不寧願的reluctant to do something

  99, eulogy 頌詞a speech praising someone dead

  100, blunder 犯大錯;趔趔趄趄地走a serious but unintentional mistake


  1, maim 使殘廢;損害to severely wound someone

  2, portly 肥胖的;粗壯的;魁偉的slightly overweight

  3, desist 停滯to stop doing something (often with "from" or "in")

  4, verbatim 逐字的word for word

  5, waif 流落者;流落兒a poor, thin child

  6, volition 意誌an act of will

  7, exacerbate 加劇;惡化to make something worse

  8, atrophy 萎縮weakening of ability

  9, cloying 因過多而膩煩的,倒胃口sickly sweet

  10, vicarious 署理的,替人的experiencing indirectly through another

  11, truism 知識;舊調重彈an oft-repeated meaningless phrase

  12, harangue 叱責性的演說a loud speech or writing or to criticize angrily

  13, rouse 覺悟,叫醒to wake somebody up

  14, capacious 容積大的able to contain a large quantity

  15, spurious 假的false

  16, pamper 放肆to treat with excessive care and attention

  17, revulsion 討厭a sense of utter disgust

  18, voluble 健談的,滔滔不絕的characterized by ease and smooth speech

  19, ratify 同意to approve, confirm

  20, quell 壓抑to suppress

  21, statute 法律official rule or law

  22, chary 膽小如鼠的cautious

  23, pugnacious 好斗的aggressive, quarrelsome

  24, scrupulous 膽小如鼠的very careful and thorough

  25, tepid 微溫的lukewarm, dull

  26, deferential 恭順的politely respectful

  27,overt 公然的done or shown openly

  28, subtle 奧妙的so slight as to be difficult to detect

  29, pert 勇敢的,莽撞的marked by a saucy forwardness

  30, obsolete 過期的no longer in use, outdated

  31, conscientious 本著本心的;賣力的;盡責的acting with careful attention

  32, synthetic 人工合成的man-made

  33, entreat 請求to ask earnestly, plead

  34, solitary 孤單的;山人alone, single

  35, robust 強健的strong, powerful, flourishing, sturdy

  36, vivid 活潑的,美麗的very bright or strong (colors); intense, active

  37, prudent 謹嚴的wise, cautious, shrewd

  38, melancholy 愁悶的a gloomy or pensive mood

  39, stimulus 刺激something that causes activity

  40, frigid 嚴寒的very cold or stiff and formal, hostile

  41, doff 脫(衣,帽等);丟to take off, especially a hat

  42, pompous 誇張的;誇耀的excessively ornate or pretentious

  43, consumer 花費者one that utilizes something

  44, garb 打扮;裝扮costume, clothes

  45, cleave 劈開to split or to adhere firmly

  46, malady 疾病;歪門邪道disease

  47, admonish 奉勸to warn or scold

  48, subdue 馴服;克制to crush, bring under control, tone down

  49, abridge 收縮to shorten

  50, congenial 意氣相投的;友愛的having the same tastes, nature

  51, rebuke 叱責to criticize harshly, reprimand

  52, wont 習氣accustomed, inclined habit

  53, onslaught 突擊a fierce attack

  54, haven 口岸a place of safety, shelter

  55, abhor 仇恨to dislike extremely

  56, bard 遊吟墨客a poet-singer

  57, curtail 收縮to reduce in duration or scope

  58, equable 鎮靜的not varying

  59, ignorant 蒙昧的lacking knowledge, unaware

  60, incessant 一直的continuing without interruption

  61, advocate 主意to support, recommend

  62, bolster 支撐to support and reinforce

  63, daunt 威嚇to discourage, intimidate

  64, erroneous 毛病的mistaken, inaccurate

  65, imbibe 汲取to drink, absorb

  66, inclination 偏向liking

  67, nostalgia 念舊a sentimental longing for something past

  68, rapture 狂喜spiritual or emotional ecstasy;

  69, salable 脫銷的;適於發賣的capable of being sold adjective

  70, stature 身體;高度地步1)natural height, posture, 2)prestige71, aggravate 使….惡化to intensify

  72, allege 斷言to assert without entirely proving

  73, caprice 率性;反復不定a sudden and impulsive change, whim

  74, defer 延期;屈服to delay, put off until later

  75, exorbitant 太高的;過分的excessive, exceeding what is customary

  76, infer 推論conclude from facts or premises

  77, objective 客觀的;目的1) impartial (adjective), 2) goal (noun)

  78, relinquish 廢棄to renounce, stop holding, give up (power, etc.)

  79, seethe 沸騰;沖動to boil, churn

  80, stoic 禁欲主義的not affected by passion or feeling

  81, carnage 大屠戮a great killing of life

  82, disburse 付出to pay out, distribute

  83, extenuating 使減輕的,無可非議的 serving to excuse or justify

  84, impartial 公正的not taking sides, unbiased

  85, imperial 帝國的relating to an emperor, royal, regal

  86, intrepid 無畏的fearless, unrelenting, brave

  87, oblique 歪斜的;間接的slanted, indirect, devious

  88, reprimand 訓斥;譴責to scold severely

  89, incise 切割;鐫刻to divide, split off/up

  90, subversive 損壞性的tending to overthrow, upset or destroy,

  91, allude 表示to refer indirectly

  92, corrupt 貪汙腐爛的;腐化,腐蝕not straight; dishonest or immoral

  93, divulge 泄漏to tell or make known, reveal

  94, feint 佯攻;假裝trick, especially a trick blow in boxing, fencing, etc.

  95, impertinent 莽撞的rude

  96, invaluable 無價的priceless, very valuable

  97, peevish 易怒的irritable, ill-tempered

  98, retort 辯駁;辯駁to reply, especially in an angry manner

  99, shrewd 奪目的clever or tricky

  100, succor 支援者;救濟 aid, relief or to provide aid, relief


  1, amorphous 沒有外形的without definite shape or form

  2, crisis 危急an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty

  3, efface 擦掉;清除to erase, destroy

  4, fiasco 慘敗an utter and often ridiculous failure

  5, imply 表示to suggest

  6, melee 互毆a fight between a confused mass

  7, pinnacle 小尖塔; 極點the highest point

  8, revert 規復to come or go back

  9, solace 撫慰comfort in grief, alleviation of grief and anxiety

  10,surreptitious 鬼鬼祟祟的stealthy, sneaky, secret

  11, aversion 討厭;反感a strong dislike

  12, culpable 有罪的blameworthy

  13, ennui 厭倦;無聊boredom

  14, goad 刺激;用刺棒驅逐;to drive, urge on

  15, impudent 莽撞的disrespectful

  16, naive 稚子的innocent, simple, unsophisticated

  17, prolific 豐碩的;多產的rapidly productive,

  18, ruse 計謀a trick or strategy intended to deceive

  19, proxy 署理a person authorized to act for another noun

  20, taint 汙染contaminate, corrupt

  21, nefarious 違法的,險惡的wicked

  22, purloin 偷盜steal

  23, satire 譏諷文a literary work used to convey insults or scorn

  24, sporadic 零碎的;不準時的occurring occasionally

  25,trepidation 恐怖nervousness, anxiety

  26, twinge 刺痛,劇痛a sudden, sharp stab of pain

  27, wan 慘白的;無赤色的suggesting poor health, lacking luster, faint

  28, wary 機靈的cautious

  29, wistful 盼望的full of longing

  30, vagrant 流落漢a homeless person who wanders from place to place

  31,abominable 使人憎惡的extremely repugnant or offensive

  32, condone 諒解to overlook, pardon or excuse

  33, emissary 密使an agent or representative sent out with a purpose

  34,idiosyncratic 特質的peculiar to an individual or group

  35, innate 生成的inborn, existing in one since birth

  36, ironic 譏諷的humorously sarcastic or mocking

  37, notorious 汙名昭著的well-known for bad reputation

  38, scull 小劃艇;搖槳an oar to propel a boat;alightnarrow racing boat

  39, stifle 梗塞;彈壓;遏止to choke or to repress

  40, dormant 休眠的temporarily inactive or not in use

  41, absolve 赦宥;宣布…無罪to pardon; to clear, acquit

  42, benign 良性的;和氣的,親熱的non-threatening, innocuous

  43, confound 使混雜to puzzle or confuse

  44, emulate 師法;模擬to try hard to equal or surpass someone by imitation

  45,illustrious 有名的,出色的widely known and esteemed

  46, inscribe 鐫刻:題寫to write or engrave words or letters on a surface

  47, itinerant 巡回的traveling from place to place

  48, novice 新手a beginner

  49, sublime 高尚的;卓著的inspiring awe, heavenly

  50, kinetic 活動的moving

  51, abstinence 控制restraint from indulging

  52, barrage 彈幕a long continuous burst of gunfire

  53, congeal 凝聚to become thick and solid

  54, egotist 自信者a conceited and self-centered person

  55, eradicate 鏟除to destroy something completely

  56, impasse 僵局a point at which no further progress can be made or

  57,insinuation 表示something indirectly suggested to anotherperson

  58, obdurate 執拗的stubborn, persistent

  59, sage 明智的;賢人;聖人having great wisdom; somebody who is sage

  60,superfluous 過剩的more than what is needed; not essential

  61, abyss 深淵a bottomless hole

  62, bewilder 使…手足無措to confuse or puzzle

  63, consensus 同等agreement

  64, dubious 疑惑的doubtful

  65,evanescent 輕易消失的;短暫的disappearing after only a short time

  66,impediment 攔阻something that hinders progress

  67, integrity 完全;正派;老實honesty; completeness

  68, jubilant 狂歡的,喝彩的full of high-spirited delight; joyful

  69,obsolescent 曠廢的becoming obsolete

  70, surrogate 取代品someone or something taking the place of another

  71, accord 協定,折衷a treaty or settlement

  72, brash 無禮的,狂妄的;性急的hasty or lacking in sensitivity

  73,contemptuous 歧視的expressing extreme contempt

  74, dread 恐怖a feeling of great fear or terror

  75,exasperate 使….憤怒to makevery angry

  76, hue 色彩color

  77, interject 插話to say or insert between what is being said ordiscussed

  78, juxtapose 並列to place side by side

  79, oration 演說speech, lecture, discourse, prayer

  80, thrifty 節省的frugal, economical

  81, adamant 堅固的,果斷的very determined, steadfast

  82, brig 船上的禁閉室a part of ship that is used as a prison

  83, excavate 發掘to dig

  84, hovel 小屋a small, dirty, or poorly built house

  85, interlude 中央曲;穿插;幕間節目a relatively short period of time between two longerperiods

  86, keen 靈敏的,猛烈的eager, sharp, or intense

  87,lackluster 無光芒的,平常的 lackingluster or vitality

  88,ostentatious 誇耀的showy

  89,retrospect 回想the remembering of past events

  90, toil 苦幹to work long and hard

  91, adept 闇練的highly proficient or expert

  92, browbeat 恫嚇to bully or intimidate

  93,contrition 痛悔;悔過feelings of guilt and remorse

  94, disparage 鄙棄;貶低to refer disapprovingly to somebody or something

  95, exquisite 精細的;文雅的very beautiful and delicate

  96, hoary 灰白的gray or white; ancient

  97, interpose 插入to insertbetween what is saying or doing

  98, laden 充斥的carrying a heavy load or burdened mentally

  99, pact 左券an agreement

  100, tome 卷,冊



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