
2016/01/05 瀏覽次數:9 收藏


  所謂視角,即Point of View, 本文論述者的角度是也。視角依附2個主要身分:論述者作為視察者在故事中所處的情況;論述者本身的心坎設法主意及情感顏色。在測驗中,最多見的是兩種方法:第三人稱登科一人稱。

  一、第三人稱(Third-Person Point of View), 即論述者作為非故事介入者(non-participant)

  1.全知視角 Omniscient Point of View, 即論述者曉得故事中全部人物的設法主意。

  2. 限定視角 Limited Point of View,即論述者曉得故事中某小我的全部設法主意。

  相對於而言,在ACT測驗中,第三人稱中的限定視角更加多見一些,不外同窗們照樣要防備all-knowing narrator 的存在,比方在60E的小說中,論述者就不單單只曉得一個腳色的設法主意,更是深深的描寫了兩個腳色分離的設法主意,如:

  Sunday could smell the burnt,sweet odor of the paper mill that sprawled across the edge of town, and as thetrain got closer, she remembered all that she saw. Shefelt herself entering the greens and reds and browns of her own paintings,pulling aside her brushstrokes as if they were curtains and stepping through.

  Waitingfor Sunday's arrival, Delta Owens stepped out onto thefront porch. She hoped she would be able to find the rightway to approach Sunday, with whom she had only been in touch by mail for fiveyears.

  咱們可以從劃線字可以看出,Sunday與Delta Owens兩姐妹分離的個子當心思,以是當問及Point of View時,謎底為Two sisters contemplate their relationship to each otherand to their hometown.

  而Limited Point of View在ACT測驗中的地點份額就更是弗成鄙視,假如66C中這篇小選文:

  Thesun, like a red egg yolk. like hot iron, rose above the horizon. Khiemsquinted at the huge form that carried in it the memories of millennia. Here onthe smooth sand, he felt suddenly that he was lying in a falsecalmness. He stirred, as if half caught by an idea that had just cometo him, or a desire just out of his reach.

  劃線字體有用的為讀者描繪了一個躺在沙岸邊略帶不安的Khiem的形象,是以選視角的時刻,謎底為 a narrator who understands Khiem's inner thoughts.

  二、第一人稱(First Person Point of View),其辨識也很簡略,重要看一下文章論述者有無用"I", "me","we" 如許的辭匯。然則在第一人稱的視角考題中,很輕易被疏忽的一個題目便是:本文有無用倒敘回想的口氣來描寫?願望同窗們在備登科,看重這個細節。如65E的這篇小說,在這裏筆者節選了段落開端的地位來作解釋。

  TheOn-On was a cafeteria. For fifty cents I got a huge caldron of rice ...

  Iinhaled food. It was my addiction, my habit, my love....

  I hadseen much of the city by the time I wasseven ...

  咱們可以看到,筆墨大批的"I",即為第一人稱,同時又有大批的總結性辭匯"habit",時態"by the time i was seven",從中肯定此文是一篇回想視角的第一人稱。



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