
2016/04/27 瀏覽次數:6 收藏













  Everything was wonderful today. Even the birds sounded cheerier than ever. They whistledfrom nearby trees.

  Polly's bicycle barely stopped as she jumped off. They had arrived at the special place in thepark where the giant silver slide lived. Polly loved the slide. She got a shivery joy each time sheslipped along its long slender back. She ran over to the slide."Slow down, Polly," shouted her mother, smiling at her young daughter.Barbara enjoyed these outings as much as Polly. She loved to just relax and visit with theother women she would meet there. They would trade stories about their children. When she felt likeit, Barbara tucked her knitting or an interesting novel into Polly's bag. She felt a little tired from herbrisk walk and plopped down at the nearest picnic table. Soon Carol, one of her friends, wanderedover to her.Polly watched her mother and the other woman. Polly liked it when her mother chatted orvisited with other women. It gave her extra long playtime.The slide was cold today. But this did not stop Polly from whisking down its bare back. Thecold metal sent shivers of fun through her. Faster and faster she slid each time she climbed the endlesssteps. Up, up, up she went eager to swoosh along the cold, silver slide. Polly loved to daydreamwhile she rode on the slide. She would close her eyes and think of herself as a lovely princess on a white horse. Some days, she would pretend that she was either a lost puppy or a lost kitten looking forits mother. She would crawl around while she meowed or whimpered sadly. Polly had heard hermother say that she had a good imagination. She wasn't really sure what this meant. She guessed thatit meant that she was really great at pretending things.

  Polly continued her trips up the stairs and down the slide. On what was maybe her twelfthtrip, a strange sound shot into the air. It was a very painful groan. "What's that?" she asked, jumpingoff the end of the slide."Oh, thank you!" came the answer over her shoulder."Who said that?" Polly asked again, looking round and round."I did."Polly bent at the waist, jumped to one foot and spun around. She was staring right at the slide.Two very, very sad eyes stared back at her. "Thank you for getting off," said a giant mouth just belowthe teary eyes.

  - Susan A. Candela

  1. Which of the following is the best title for this story?

  A. "Polly, Barbara and Carol"

  B. "The Giant Silver Slide"

  C. "Barbara's Imagination"

  D. "Polly's School Day"

  2. Which of the following is true in the story?

  A. Barbara is Polly's mother.

  B. Carol is Polly's friend.

  C. Polly is Carol's sister.

  D. Barbara is Polly's sister.

  3. Who is talking to Polly at the end of this story?

  A. the playground

  B. the bicycle

  C. a classmate

  D. the slide

  謎底:B A D




  School would like to get to konw you better through a story you tell using one of the ideas below.Please choose the idea you find most interesting and write a story using the idea as your first sentence.Please fill in the circle next to the one you choose.

  A It was unlike any place I'd ever been.

  B He leaned forward and said...



  SSAT中級和高等測驗還包含16道實驗題,包含6道辭匯題、5道瀏覽題和5道數學題。這些題目不計分, 因為門生不曉得哪些是加試哪些不是,以是都要賣力看待。







  高分案例集錦 說話提分的不貳之選


  測驗公然課 百種免費課程會聚一堂!
