
2016/04/28 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

  肯塔基大學(University of Kentucky),開辦於1865年,是美國有名的公立大學。本文為眾人先容肯塔基大學商學院研討生GMAT成就請求,快來看看吧。

  肯塔基大學(University of Kentucky)是處於美國肯塔基州萊克星頓的一所公立大學,始建於1865年,在校門生達26000人,是肯塔基州最大的大學。考生假如想要留學該院校,就要先懂得一下該黌舍對說話成就的詳細請求,然後盡力到達其招生請求。接下來小編將聯合肯塔基大學官網為眾人先容肯塔基大學研討生GMAT成就請求,願望對寬大考生能有贊助。

  肯塔基大學(University of Kentucky),開辦於1865年,是美國有名的公立大學。其處於肯塔基州列克星頓市,占地4170畝,具有約35000門生和12000教人員工。門生中約17%的門生來自別的州。肯塔基大學University of Kentucky具有15個學院和一個醫學中間,開設約200個專業。在美國國度天然科學基金研討經費方面,肯塔基大學在全美公立大學中排名第26位。


  Test Scores

  In most cases an official test score (either GRE or GMAT) is required for admission (** see exceptions below). You will be asked to self-report these scores on the application (you can also supply a future date for taking the test). We will however also require official scores from the reporting agency.

  · GRE scores should be sent directly to us from Educational Testing Service (ETS); the Institution Code for the GRE for UK Graduate School is R1837.

  · Scores for the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) should be sent directly to us from the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC); the UK Graduate School code is 1837.

  These scores will be incorporated into your application and compared against self-reported scores to ensure consistency. The Graduate School sets no minimum score for the GRE or GMAT; individual programs may however have specific requirements and it is recommended that you contact them directly for more specific information.

  TOEFL or IELTS Scores: All applicants whose native language is not English will be asked to self-report one of these scores on the application. As for GRE or GMAT scores, we also require official language scores be sent to us directly from the reporting agency.

  · TOEFL scores should be sent directly to us from Educational Testing Service (ETS); the Institution Code for the TOEFL for UK Graduate School is 1837.

  · IELTS scores should be sent directly to us from the International English Language Testing Service specifying the University of Kentucky Graduate School, Lexington, Kentucky as the recipient institution.

  For the Graduate School, the minimum acceptable TOEFL score is 550 (paper-based) 213 (computer-based), or 79 (internet-based). The minimum IELTS score is 6.5; individual programs may however have higher requirements. Submitted scores must be no more than two years old.

  簡略來講,肯塔基大學研討生院(Graduate School)的根本申請前提以下:多半商學院須要考生供給GRE或GMAT成就,GRE成就需直接由ETS寄送至該院校,代碼為R1837,GMAT成就須要由GMAC直接寄送至該院校,代碼為1837。GRE和GMAT成就不設最低分請求。全部非英語國度的申請者須要供給托福或雅思成就,托福成就直接由ETS寄送至該院校,雅思成就需直接由國際英語測試辦事處寄送至該院校。研討生申請者的托福筆試最低分為550,機試213,大概機考79。雅思最低分6.5,個體項目大概有更高的請求,所供給的雅思托福成就必需是近兩年的。


  (1) 在線申請表,經由過程Apply Yourself申請

  (2) 申請費:$75

  (3) 正式成就單:需翻譯,但無需公證

  (4) GRE/GMAT成就


  (6) 推舉信:一樣平常請求3封

  (7) 資金證實:申請時必須遞交;2015年入學季請求國際門生預備最少$25,797的資金證實

  (8) 別的資料:小我陳說、小我簡歷、寫作樣本、小我作品、口試等部門專業大概會須要。一樣平常而言,大多半項目均會請求國際門生遞交推舉信和小我陳說,藝術類專業大概會請求遞交小我作品,人文社科類專業多會請求遞交寫作樣本。



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