
2016/04/29 瀏覽次數:2 收藏

  西弗吉尼亞大學(West Virginia University,簡稱WVU)是一所四年制公立大學,建立於1867年。它是西弗吉尼亞州最具範圍的大學。現有門生2.8萬人,個中本科生2.1萬人。西弗吉尼亞大學以工程學(特殊是與能源有關的範疇)和保健科學最佳。《2007美國消息與報導》評的出全美絕佳院校中,工程學研討生課程榜上著名。非常妥當的學科包含消息學、體育、農林和創作藝術。考生假如想要留學該院校,就要先懂得一下該黌舍對說話成就的詳細請求,然後盡力到達其招生請求。接下來小編將聯合西弗吉尼亞大學官網為眾人先容西弗吉尼亞大學商學院研討生GMAT成就請求,願望對寬大考生能有贊助。


  Required application components:

  · Application: You must submit a West Virginia University Application for Graduate Admission online. Be sure to indicate MBA (code 2110) when responding to "Major Code" in question 16.

  · Official Transcripts: If your undergraduate degree is from another university, you must request that your official undergraduate transcript be sent to: Office of Admissions, West Virginia University, PO Box 6009, Morgantown, WV 26506-6009. Contact your undergraduate institution as early as possible to ensure timely delivery. If you received or are completing your undergraduate degree from WVU, your transcript will automatically be sent with your application.

  · Entrance Exam - You must sit for ONE (1) of the following exams:

  · Graduate Management Admissions Test® scores: Request that the Graduate Management Admissions Test® (GMAT) send your scores to WVU. We do not have a required minimum score for the GMAT however scholarships are usually awarded to those with a score of 650 or higher. The range of scores for this year's MBA class is 530-760. To learn more about the GMAT, visit www.mba.com. WVU GMAT code: C2S-6D-61. NOTE: Score-related scholarships are available with the GMAT only.

  · Graduate Record Examinations: Request that the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) send your scores to WVU. To learn more about the GRE, visit www.ets.org. WVU GRE code: 5904. NOTE: Score-related scholarships are NOT available with the GRE.

  TOEFL: Required for international students.

  The College of Business & Economics TOEFL requirement is higher than the University's - applicants must have a TOEFL score of either 580 (paper), 237 (computer), or 92 (Internet-based). If you have taken the IELTS instead of the TOEFL, the minimum score must be 6.5. International students who do not meet the College of Business and Economics TOEFL or IELTS requirement may be admitted conditionally, provided that they enroll in the University's Intensive English Program. TOEFL scores should be sent to the Office of Admissions, West Virginia University, PO Box 6009, Morgantown, WV 26506-6009.



  1)在線申請表,經由過程Apply Yourself體系申請







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  名師培優課 2016申請訂制課程
