
2016/05/06 瀏覽次數:5 收藏

  申請美國私立高中,SSAT測驗是繞不曩昔的一環,是以有“美國中考”之稱。SSAT測驗最難的部門便是瀏覽。美國大學理事會College Board總裁曾泄漏,SSAT瀏覽對門生在社會研討、汗青文獻上的請求很高,且辭匯量大,文體多樣,內容也普遍;另外一方面,SSAT只管主要,卻很少有真題開釋出來,常讓備考門生有沒有從動手之感。10月行將迎來新一輪SSAT測驗,外灘君特地請學美常春藤培訓黌舍主任陳姵廷先生,為眾人展現並剖析本年4 月考過的3篇SSAT瀏覽真題,供眾人參考。文末還附有美國部門頂尖高中SSAT均勻登科分數線,敬請留心。

  SSAT(Secondary School Admission Test)測驗是美國、加拿大私立中學的尺度化入學測驗,因為針對的是本地門生,以是可以懂得為中考的觀點,然則分歧於針對國際門生的托福測驗,SSAT更小眾,且很少開釋真題,以是在備考和應試方面都比托福考難度高了許多。

  2012 年10月新改造的SSAT分為3個品級,新增了elementary level,重要用於美國小學4-5年級門生;本來的lower level釀成了middle level用於5-7年級的門生,而本來的upper level仍然是用於8-11年級的門生,也便是咱們海內門生最常考的品級,新的SSAT改造重點在難度的大幅晉升,不但在辭匯的難度增長規模變廣,瀏覽文章變長,詩歌比重增長,另有標題深度變大,一樣平常來講,瀏覽很難靠技能提分,門生除非氣力很強,不然只能依附考題猜測能力在短期提分。




  ☞ 瀏覽資料:

  Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a coloured pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling. This, however, is not generally a part of the domestic apparatuson the premises. I think myself that the thing might be managed with several pails of Aspinall and a broom. Only if one worked in a really sweeping and masterly way, and laid on the colour in great washes, it might drip down again on one's face in floods of rich and mingled colour like some strange fairy rain;and that would have its disadvantages… My proposal to paint on it with the bristly end of a broom has been discouraged—never mind by whom; by a person debarred from all political rights—and even my minor proposal to put the other end of the broom into the kitchen fire and turn it to charcoal has not been conceded. Yet I am certain that it was from persons in my position that all the original inspiration came for covering the ceilings of palaces and cathedral swith a riot of fallen angels or victorious gods. I am sure that it was only because Michael Angelo was engaged in the ancient and honourable occupation of lying in bed that he ever realized how the roof of the Sistine Chapel might be made into an awful imitation of a divine drama that could only be acted in the heavens.

  ☞ 試題:

  1.In line 3, "apparatus" means

  (A) utensils

  (B) equipment

  (C) necessities

  (D) furnishings

  (E) accoutrement

  2. It can be inferred that in line 8, "never mind by whom" refers to the author's

  (A) wife

  (B) agent

  (C) editor

  (D) landlord

  (E) roommate

  3. The author's tone in the passage might best be described as

  (A) realistic

  (B) idealistic

  (C) scientific

  (D) whimsical

  (E) educational

  4. "Conceded" (line 10) most likely means

  (A) lauded

  (B) granted

  (C) rejected

  (D) ridiculed

  (E) condemned

  5. His primary purpose of this passage is to

  (A) enable

  (B) amuse

  (C) inspire

  (D) instruct

  (E) distract

  ☞ 剖析:

  這篇文章是1874年出身的英國作家Gilbert K. Chesterton所寫的,帶有一種典範的浪漫主義的顏色,但作者又不失理性的思惟,通篇文章充斥了作者理想和實際之間的辯論。

  文章開篇,作者就奇思妙想地提出當人懶洋洋地躺在床上時拿出一支柄夠長,能在天花板塗鴉的畫筆那該是一件何等美好的工作啊!(if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling.)

  但須臾就想到,那末長的畫筆絕對不是家裏的必備對象(This however, is not generally a part of the domestic apparatus…);但作者還未善罷甘休,他連忙想到了長柄畫筆的替換品:只要有些顏料和家裏的掃帚不就好了?(that thing might be managed with several pails of Aspinall and abroom)。

  相稱故意思的作者,但若你認為作者真會如許做那就大錯特錯了,該籌劃未能實行重要有兩個緣故原由:其一,假如畫工欠好,那顏料可就要從天花板上淌下來咯(it might drip down again on one’s face);其二,作者的妻子,仿佛沒有準許她老公這突發奇想(My proposal to paint on it …..has been discouraged by a personde barred from all political rights.)。 好吧,看來作者是真的沒戲了。

  固然作者沒能完成在天花板上作畫的欲望,但作者明顯對本身的設法主意照樣充斥贊成,作者在文中說到:(Yet I am certain that it was from persons in my position ….for covering the ceilings of palaces and cathedrals with a riot of fallen angels or victorious gods),便是從側面表彰本身這類充斥藝術理想的人材是可以或許提出在宮殿和教堂天花板留下絕代奇作的人,縱然像米爽朗基羅這種文藝中興的眾人也和作者同樣在不經意之間得到了轉變人類藝術行動的設法主意。

  ☞ 答題:




  文中作者寫道:My proposal to paint on it with the bristly end of a broom has been discouraged…作者提出用掃把在天花板作畫,被那人謝絕,那謝絕他的人必定是和他生存在一個屋檐下的人。









  ☞ 瀏覽資料:

  A type of human life this forest old;

  All leafy, wither'd, blooming, teeming, blasted;

  Bloom that the reign of summer hath outlasted,

  And early sere, and blight that flaunts in gold;

  And grass, like sorrow, springing from the mould,

  Choking the wholesome tree; and verdure wasted,

  Like peace; and berries, like our bliss, untasted;

  And thorns, like adverse chances, uncontroll'd.

  These flowers are joy that ne'er shall form a wreath;

  These lilies are unsure affection crown'd

  ☞ 試題:

  1.In this poem, our lives are compared to

  (A) untasted bliss

  (B) this forest old

  (C) unsure affection

  (D) the wholesome tree

  (E) the reign of summer

  2.In line 7, "berries, like our bliss, untasted suggests that

  (A) the berries are dying

  (B) the fruit will go uneaten

  (C) berries do not change color

  (D) the forest will no longer produce fruit

  (E) winter has damaged the berries beyond repair

  3. The phrase "grass, like sorrow...Choking the wholesome tree" (lines 5-6) suggests that

  (A) lifeis like a thorn

  (B) grass corrupts trees

  (C) grassis bad for trees' growth

  (D) life is made more difficult by sadness

  (E) life is not as wholesome as a tree surrounded by grass

  4. With which of the following statements about death would the author be most likely to agree?

  (A) Deathis an inevitable part of life.

  (B) People should try not to think about death.

  (C) Death often comes suddenly and unannounced.

  (D) Death usually comes when life is quiet and still.

  (E) Having no appreciation of nature is like being dead.

  ☞ 剖析:

  這篇詩歌的作者是英國作家Charles Whitehead (1804-1862),作者厥後移民到澳大利亞並在那邊逝世,這是一篇典範的比方詩歌,作者把人生的各種和叢林中的樹木花果舉行了比擬,道出了人生真理,對還在初中的孩子來講,這篇詩歌的許多實際意義大概還比擬生疏,但不失是一種給孩子的啟發,讓他們加倍珍愛進修的時間和怙恃在一路的快活感受。


  Human life-------this forest old

  有些門生會問為何不是old forest?從而對整篇詩歌沒法懂得。我想說明這邊寫forest old是為了和背面幾句“d”末端的字做壓韻,並且在許多地中海說話形容詞是可以放在名詞以後的,如法語。

  Grass----àsorrow that choke the wholesome tree


  Berries---àuntasted bliss(祝願)

  Thorn ---àuncontrolle dadverse chances


  Lilies--àplants that are with unsure affections



  ☞ 答題:






  Grass(雜草)大概一些不幸的工作會讓安穩的生存(wholesome tree)變得寸步難行。




  ☞ 瀏覽資料:

  Social scientists agree that everyone in ageneration is not identical. Nevertheless, many demographers assert that generalizations about the distinct characters of birth groups are helpful forsocial analysis. They aid in designing policy and education targeted toward the unique characteristics of specific cohorts. A case in point are those born between 1981 and 2000, dubbed "The Millennial Generation" because they are the first adults of the 21st century. According to the Pew Research Center, a think tank, the current group of 13- to 29-year-olds is more ethnically and racially diverse than any other similarly-aged cohort in our history. Many believe this explains their tendency to see the mselves as global citizens. Millennials have been described as "digital natives" because of their total comfort with technology. This is in stark contrast with previous generations, such as the Silent Generation, born before 1946; the Baby Boomers, born during the spike in births between 1946-1964 that followed World War II; or even Generation X, born between 1965-1980. Millennials inhabit a world where personal devices have always existed and are all around us, as ubiquitous as the air we breathe.Because two-thirds of Millennials voted for Barack Obama for president in 2008,some suggest that Millennials are more politically progressive than previous generations.While some authors call Millennials narcissistic, others believe rather that this generation is notably unselfish and eager to be of service to others. Many sociologists believe that understanding Millennials will make those who work with them more productive citizens.

  ☞ 試題:

  "Cohort"(line 8) as used in the passage most likely refers to any group

  (A) of 13 year-olds

  (B) made up of U.S. citizens

  (C) of civic-minded global citizens

  (D) that shares certain characteristics

  (E) of extremely diverse individuals;

  2. It can be logically inferred from the passage that the parents of the Baby Boomers

  (A) were born after 1946

  (B) belonged to Generation X

  (C) were called "Hie Boomers"

  (D) belonged to The Silent Generation

  (E) were more progressive than the Millennials

  3. It can be logically inferred from thepassage that the Baby Boomers

  (A) fought in World War II

  (B) were born before 1946

  (C) were younger than The Boomers

  (D) were more diverse than the Millennial

  (E) were less progressive than the Millennials

  4. Which of the following is true based on the passage?

  (A) The Pew Research Center studies voting habits.

  (B) Generalizations about generations may aid educators.

  (C) Members of Generation X have never seen a cell phone.

  (D) Generations usually receive nick names that reflect their natures.

  (E) Social scientists universally agree that it is useful to categorize generations.

  ☞ 剖析:


  The Millennial Generation(1981-2000)

  The Silent Generation (before 1946)

  The Baby Boomers(1946-1964)

  Generation X(1965-1980)


  ☞ 答題:




  Baby Boomers為二戰大批職員傷亡後出身的孩子們,在中國抗日戰斗停止後,毛主席提出了光彩媽媽的觀點,以是中國40/50這批人大可能是當時出身的。

  Baby Boomers出身於(1946-1964),那他們的怙恃倒推20+年,應當是1946年前出身,以是屬於Silent Generation。


  這是一題反推題,由於Millennial是全部Cohort傍邊最progressive的,那固然Baby Boomers和Millennial比起來還沒那末的Progressive。





  SSAT 分成辭匯,瀏覽和寫作三個部門,辭匯部門為同義詞30題,類比題30題,統共30分鐘,代表每30秒必需答復一個題目,瀏覽有8篇文章,大可能是文學作品節選,詩歌,作者平生,大概一些有名的文章,共有40題,均勻每篇文章看完加之做題只能花5分鐘;數學是海內門生的長項,只要標題看得懂,一樣平常能得高分;寫作固然是不計分,然則作文和和成就單一同寄給黌舍,所所以黌舍考察門生程度氣力的根據,不能不看重。

  SSAT 每一個單位最低500分,最高800分,是以總分最低1500,最高2400分,為了均衡各次測驗標題難易分歧,以是SSAT評分別的供給百分比的根據,最低1%,最高99%,該比例是跟同年級同性別曩昔三年的考生比擬,比方:95%代表100人中你贏過95%的人,美國高中一樣平常以百分比為考核根據。


  菲利普斯學院 94%

  埃克塞特學院 94%

  喬治城預科黌舍 90%

  格羅頓學院 90%

  米爾頓中學 90%

  聖保羅黌舍 89%

  迪爾菲爾德學院 87%

  霍奇基斯中學 87%

  撒切爾中學 87%

  喬特羅斯瑪麗中學 85%






  高分案例集錦 說話提分的不貳之選


  測驗公然課 百種免費課程會聚一堂!
