1. How can we help the elderly in our community?
2. What I value most in life is…
3. Pretend you and your family could go any place you wanted for one day. Where would you go? What would you do?
4. The event that most changed my life was… Explain why.
5. I never felt better than when I…
6. If I could visit another city, I would choose…
7. What matters more? The things you know or the things you do not.
8. If you can meet a person in the past, which one would you like to meet?
9. Pretend you and your family could go anyplace you wanted for one day. Where would you go?
10. The opinions of one’s peers can be influential on one’s behavior. Is this good or bad?
11. What I value most is….
12. The greatest sorrows are those we cause ourselves, is this true?
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