
2015/07/03 瀏覽次數:8 收藏


  1、Tourism worldwide will grow by a strong 5.3% in 2014, the biggest increase since 2010.

  Grow by: 增加了,留意與grow to增加到 相差別。

  The biggest increase: 第一流; increase名詞的用法,日常平凡眾人常常用的是動詞情勢,以是也積聚一下名詞用法。在句型上,後半句是說明感化。

  2、 Emerging-market flows are surging: Chinese tourists spent 31% more in the first half of 2013 than a year earlier, according to the UN World Tourism Organisation, the largest rise globally.

  31% more… than…:數據+more…than… 表現比…多若幹

  the largest rise globally: 這半句跟第一句的後半句是同樣的,rise 也是名詞用法。Globally環球地對應the worldwide。

  3、 In 2014 Asia will lead the way, with outbound tourism growing by 7.9%.

  With介詞短語,可以用來引誘數字大概說明解釋。寫的時刻留意介詞短語內裏不克不及有動詞,只可以或許用動名詞,growing by…

  Outbound: 開往外洋的 outbound tourism 出國旅遊,相稱於international tourism。

  4、 In the first seven months of 2013, foreign visitor numbers rose by 4%, compared with the same period in 2012, and spending was up 12%.

  foreign visitor numbers: 外國旅遊者,相稱於the number of foreign visitors

  compared with: 與…比擬

  be up + 數據:表現上升,increase等詞背面要加介詞能力加數據。

  5、 In July 2013 foreign visitors spent 30% more than in July 2012, setting a new record.

  這個句子是一個比擬級,而且背面是setting a record 這是動名詞舉行彌補解釋,發明了一個新記載。

  6、a creeping ascent

  這是一篇文章的題目,個中creeping:遲緩的,緩慢的,可以調換日常平凡咱們應用的slow, gradual, slight, insignificant等詞語;

  Ascent: 名詞,上升,增加,留意這個詞的動詞是ascend(曩昔時ascended) 留意差別。

  7、 There are at least 55,000 museums across the world, more than double the number 20 years ago.

  more than double:跨越兩倍,在小作文中,眾人要重點視察個中有無倍數幹系。

  8、 For example, about a year ago one economist predicted that the euro area’s GDP would shrink by 1% while another reckoned it would grow 1.4%.

  Predict: 猜測。小作文中湧現未來時是雅思測驗的一個考點和難點,許多同窗不會表述未來時態,這裏就供給了一個好的表達,叫做“猜測”,咱們可使用expect/predict/forecast等詞,別的還可以用will probably的表達。在劍橋雅思9中就有兩篇小作文觸及到未來時,眾人須要留意。

  Shrink by: 縮水了若幹,表現削減的倍數。
