
2015/07/06 瀏覽次數:25 收藏


  許多考生測驗當天狀況欠安,未能施展出絕佳程度,這時候即可斟酌撤消考GMAT成就(Cancel your score)。那末,加入GMAT測驗以後假如選取CANCEL GMAT成就,往後申請黌舍是不是會留下此次測驗的任何信息呢?依據這一變更要采用如何的GMAT攻略呢?

  When you complete your exam, you will be shown your unofficial GMAT scores (Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning, and Total). You will be given two minutes to decide whether to cancel or accept your score. If the time expires before you make a selection, your score will be automatically canceled. 測驗停止時,考生可以看到非官方的GMAT成就,包含語文,數學,綜合推理和總分四個成就。兩分鐘內考生須要決議接收照樣撤消本次成就。假如兩分鐘內考生未作決議,此次成就將會主動撤消。撤消後的GMAT測驗固然不會記載成就,但會有一個標誌:C,表現你撤消過這次成就。

  You may reinstate your score if you decide to cancel at the test center for a fee of $100. The reinstate option will be available for 60 days from the date of the exam. To reinstate your score, contact customer service in your region. 考生撤消GMAT成就後可以再次規復成就,須要付出100美元用度。這一辦法僅在測驗後六十天以內有用。
