
2015/07/08 瀏覽次數:9 收藏


  In the Mathematics Test, three subscores are based on six content areas: pre-algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, coordinate geometry, plane geometry, and trigonometry.


  Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra


  · Pre-Algebra (23%)。 Questions in this content area are based on basic operations using whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and integers; place value; square roots and approximations; the concept of exponents; scientific notation; factors; ratio, proportion, and percent; linear equations in one variable; absolute value and ordering numbers by value; elementary counting techniques and simple probability; data collection, representation, and interpretation; and understanding simple descriptive statistics.

  · 算術(23%):應用全部的數字、小數、分數、整數,數位值、平方根、類似值,指數的觀點,科學盤算,因數,比率,比例,百分比,一次方程式,絕對值,根本盤算辦法和簡略幾率,數據匯集,演示,推理及簡略統計剖析的懂得。

  · Elementary Algebra (17%)。 Questions in this content area are based on properties of exponents and square roots, evaluation of algebraic expressions through substitution, using variables to express functional relationships, understanding algebraic operations, and the solution of quadratic equations by factoring.


  Intermediate Algebra/Coordinate Geometry


  · Intermediate Algebra (15%)。 Questions in this content area are based on an understanding of the quadratic formula, rational and radical expressions, absolute value equations and inequalities, sequences and patterns, systems of equations, quadratic inequalities, functions, modeling, matrices, roots of polynomials, and complex numbers.

  · 中級代數(15%):二次方程式公式的懂得應用,有理數和根的表達式,絕對值等式和不等式,序列;主程組,二次不等式,函數,建模,矩陣,多項式的根。

  · Coordinate Geometry (15%)。 Questions in this content area are based on graphing and the relations between equations and graphs, including points, lines, polynomials, circles, and other curves; graphing inequalities; slope; parallel and perpendicular lines; distance; midpoints; and conics.

  · 多少坐標(15%):圖表,圖表與等式的幹系,包含點、線、多項式和其他曲線;圖表與不等式,斜率,平行線和正交線,間隔,中點和圓錐。

  Plane Geometry/Trigonometry


  · Plane Geometry (23%)。 Questions in this content area are based on the properties and relations of plane figures, including angles and relations among perpendicular and parallel lines; properties of circles, triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids; transformations; the concept of proof and proof techniques; volume; and applications of geometry to three dimensions.

  · 平面多少(23%):平面圖形的性子和幹系,包含角、平行線和正交線的幹系,圓的屬性,三角形,矩形,平行四邊形,梯形,轉化,證實辦法,體積,立體多少的應用。

  · Trigonometry (7%)。 Questions in this content area are based on understanding trigonometric relations in right triangles; values and properties of trigonometric functions; graphing trigonometric functions; modeling using trigonometric functions; use of trigonometric identities; and solving trigonometric equations.

  · 三角(7%):三角幹系,三角函數的屬性和值,三角函數圖,三角函數建模,三角恒等式的應用息爭三角等式。
