
2015/07/09 瀏覽次數:9 收藏





  金融危急造成美國企業大批裁人,美國經濟構造產生轉變,對付企業構造架談判中層治理層的條約幹系發生了影響。本來的mid-level management在large corporate很安適,他們都和公司之間有一種非正式的agreement即:每一年都邑有必定的人為增加,便是life-long pay check,多少年有必定的提升,也便是說無論企業做的怎樣,對司理們壓力不大,他們仍舊加人為升值,以是企業效力不高,這類構造架構對付企業成長晦氣。因為此種軌制,美國企業沒有可以或許敏捷規復競爭力(有題,問作者對此種軌制的意見)。厥後這類承諾漸漸消逝。


  如許的轉變對企業是有利益的。裁人致使司理人職業平安感降低,但能增進其更好地立異和開辟從兩個方面說:企業可以或許晉升效力,對付本來的那種 agreement的擯棄可以迫使司理們做出轉變,能加倍creative一些。而司理們也不克不及想曩昔那樣混日子了,要想在企業中生計,就不克不及像曩昔那樣想著怎樣快速提升,而是要賡續的應用培訓進步本身的技巧skill而且賡續的挑釁情況,這是獨一前途。如今corporate structuredelayer了以後開端重視manager creativity & innovation to solve problem。



  Q2: today's downsizing 與 1980時的downsizing有甚麽分歧?

  Q3: 宗旨題

  Q4: 作者以為hierarchy怎樣?(參考:下降了企業效力)

  Q5: 如今更重視甚麽?(參考:creativity and solving problem skill)



  一樣平常研討都以為範圍和紅利才能呈正相幹,empirical research 也證明了,至公司有範圍經濟(economics of scale)等長處,然則並不克不及說兩者便是因果幹系。然後作者開端論證了,好比小公司更易調劑本身的output ,更能應答environmental change, 更善於niche market。



  第三段:依據研討,中型公司現實上投資回報率(ROI)最低。市場份額在65%-70%之間是watershed,跨越這個規模,ROI就下降了。並且作者特殊提到,面臨stable market,小公司做得好必定是由於nichemarket strategy。


  Firms traditionally claim that they downsize (i.e., make permanent personnel cuts) foreconomic reasons, laying off supposedly unnecessary staff in an attempt to become moreefficient and competitive. Organization theory would explain this reasoning as an example ofthe “economic rationality” that it assumes underlies all organizational activities. There isevidence that firms believe they are behaving rationally whenever they downsize; yet recentresearch has shown that the actual economic effects of downsizing are often negative forfirms. Thus, organization theory cannot adequately explain downsizing; non-economic factorsmust also be considered. One such factor is the evolution of downsizing into a powerfulbusiness myth: managers simply believe that downsizing is efficacious. Moreover, downsizingnowadays is greeted favorably by the business press; the press often refers to soaring stockprices of downsizing firms (even though research shows that stocks usually rise only brieflyafter downsizing and then suffer a prolonged decline). Once viewed as a sign of desperation,downsizing is now viewed as a signal that firms are serious about competing in the globalmarketplace; such signals are received positively by key actors— financial analysts, consultants,shareholders—who supply firms with vital organizing resources. Thus, even if downsizers donot become economically more efficient, downsizing’s mythic properties give them addedprestige in the business community, enhancing their survival prospects.

  1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

  A. criticize firms for engaging in the practice of downsizing

  B. analyze the negative economic impact of downsizing on firms

  C. offer an alternative to a traditional explanation for the occurrence of downsizing

  D. chronicle how perceptions of downsizing have changed over time

  E. provide evidence disputing the prevalence of downsizing

  2. The passage suggests that downsizing’s mythic properties can be beneficial to adownsizing firm because these properties

  A. allow the firm to achieve significant operating efficiencies

  B. provide the firm with access to important organizing resources

  C. encourage a long-term increase in the firm’s stock price

  D. make the firm less reliant on external figures such as financial analysts and consultants

  E. discourage the firm’s competitors from entering the global marketplace

  3. The passage suggests which of the following about the claim that a firm will becomemore efficient and competitive by downsizing?

  A. Few firms actually believe this claim to be true.

  B. Fewer firms have been making this claim in recent years.

  C. This claim contradicts the basic assumption of organization theory.

  D. This claim is called into question by certain recent research.

  E. This claim is often treated with skepticism by the business press.
