
2015/05/27 瀏覽次數:13 收藏

  指代題是新托福瀏覽測驗中主要的一種題型,每次湧現3-5題。指代題在出題時標題方法為The word X in the passage refers to,那托福瀏覽指代題怎樣解答?下面為考生具體先容。









  比方:As the snow is deeper and lasts longer in the valleys, trees tend to attain greater heights on the ridges, even though they are more exposed to high-velocity winds and poor, thin soils there.

  The word they in the passage refers to

  A. valleys

  B. trees

  C. heights

  D. ridges


  同位指代的內容平日會被變形為some, other X、one X, another X、many/ most/ much X, other X


  即為代詞(特別幹系代詞)一樣平常指代離它比來的名詞或代詞。相鄰指代一樣平常都是相鄰感強的代詞:this/ these/ its/ theirs大概指代火線團體的代詞:this/ that/ which大概為火線觀點的同位說明或別稱。

  比方:For example, as the great ice sheets that covered North America during the last ice age steadily melted away, huge volumes of water flowed from them. The water was always laden with pebbles, gravel, and sand, known as glacial outwash, that was deposited as the flow slowed down.

  The phrase “glacial outwash” in the passage refers to

  A. Fast rivers

  B. Glaciers

  C. The huge volumes of water created by glacial melting

  D. The particles carried in water from melting glaciers

  起首依據題幹咱們可以看出此題中考核的是glacial outwash指代內容;然後在文中定位到glacial outwash暗影地點句子,依據就近原則搜刮,咱們會發明指代內容在代詞以前湧現,而且與代詞在統一句子中,“pebbles, gravel, and sand”可以開端定為謎底;把“pebbles, gravel, and sand”放回原文檢討,語法準確而且相符語義和邏輯,是以可以肯定準確謎底為The particles carried in water from melting glaciers.


  African American artists of this period set about creating a new portrayal of themselves and their lives in the United States. As they began to strive for social and cultural independence, their attitudes toward themselves changed, and, to some extent, other segments of American society began to change their attitudes towards them.

  The word “them” in this paragraph refers to

  A. American of European descent

  B. paintings

  C. African American artists

  D. attitudes



  抽象指代詳細是指原文中一抽象的內容指代詳細的內容。指代詞一般為that/ which/ who/ whose + 定語從句that/ which/ who/ whose = N.

  比方:When growing on rock surfaces, lichens secrete acids that dissolve the minerals, contributing to the process of weathering by which rocks are slowly turned to soil.

  The word “which” in the passage refers to

  A. the process of weathering

  B. growing on rock surfaces

  C. dissolving the minerals

  D. being turned to soil

  在這個句子傍邊考核的是which指代的工具,which在該句子中是幹系代詞,其先行詞是the process of weathering,以是這道題目標謎底便是A。
