
2015/08/21 瀏覽次數:4 收藏


  雅思白話Part 1


  What kind of bags do you use on different occasions?


  What is your favorite entertainment?

  What kind of entertainment do your friends like?


  How do you keep fit?


  How often do you go to museums?

  How important is art?

  Would you buy postcards from the museum?


  What did toys teach you?


  Should people work on weekends?

  Should people who work on weekends get extra pays?


  What is the most popular kind of cars in China?

  What kind of car will you buy?


  How important is the internet in people’s life?


  How are photos today different from the photos in the past?

  雅思白話Part 2


  A couple who have a happy marriage

  A comedian you like

  An interesting person in your family

  A teenager

  An old friend you haven’t seen for a long time but you want to meet again

  物品題 (什物題 + 抽象物品)

  A book you’d like to recommend to others

  The equipment you find useful, but not a computer

  An old family photo

  A film based on actual events or real person

  A meaningful song

  A piece of music

  Art education in China

  Your favourite dish

  Your favourite meal

  A skill you learnt from a family member


  A team-project you experienced.

  Your experience of coming close to an animal

  Your favourite time during a day

  The happiest day in your life

  An exciting experience in your childhood

  An interesting experience in your childhood

  Your plan for the future (not about work or study)

  A traditional event

  An unusual job

  A wrong decision you made

  Something you did that made you feel relaxed

  A happy event

  A leisure activity near the sea

  A sport event in your childhood


  A house or an apartment you lived in

  A natural beauty that you like to visit


  閱讀完全部的標題,眾人會發明有很多老題略加轉變而成的標題。對付此類題,咱們仍舊可以用已預備好的思緒和說話來處置。 來看一道Part1的標題:What kind of entertainment do your friends like? 這道題只要將思緒轉並到考生本身的文娛愛好上,而且說話上稍作修正就能夠水到渠成。

  再好比一道Part2的標題:A book you’d like to recommend to others!也是由一道老題改遍而成。推舉給別人的書,也必定是本身愛好並看過的書,由於推舉給他人讀的來由也便是你愛好的緣故原由。

  但標題都不是如斯,有些新題大概抽象標題每每讓考生思惟短路,說話受阻。好比:How important is art? 中文都不太輕易想到謎底的題目,英文更是如斯。固然,許多考生們也輕易

  想到:important, relax myself , need it in our life等癥結詞。 然則很明顯,如許的謎底沒有甚麽養分,並且浩瀚考生也都是如許統一個思惟定式。想要拿高分也就難上加難了。





  Q: How important is art?

  A: I firmly believe art is significant and meaningful. For the young children, art is a sort of lesson at school for them to feel and express themselves bringing the inner world into the outer world by painting or listening to music. Also, adults are able to gain some enjoyments from it. Most of them are really into the Hollywood blockbuster or fiction novels like Avatar or Harry Porter.


  a sort of = a kind of

  bring the inner world into the outer world 抒發心坎天下

  be able to = can 可以或許

  be really into = like 愛好

  blockbuster/hit 好萊塢大片

  Avatar 阿凡達

  fiction novels 科幻小說