
2015/08/24 瀏覽次數:29 收藏


  1. While it is always clear that the author's message is heartfelt, it is mostly buried by shortcomings of style, organization, and production, although the book does become more___________toward the end.

  A. sincere,

  B. intelligible,

  C. orthodox,

  D. readable,

  E. frank,

  F. voluble

  謎底:intelligible, readable.固然咱們感遭到了作者轉達的信息,然則大部門被範例,構造和制造的缺點掩飾了,不外書的末端切實其實變得加倍易懂啦。

  2. Many people remember a time when cutting-edge architects, who are these days treated like celebrities, had ___ relationship with the public: for much of the 1960s, big new buildings in cities were often cause for hostility, not celebration.

  A. an antagonistic,

  B. an inimical,

  C. an autocratic,

  D. a symbiotic,

  E. an indifferent,

  F. an apathetic

  謎底:an antagonistic, an inimical許多人都記得如今這些被人們當做名流的頂尖修建師,曾和"大眾,"幹系非常重要和敵對:1960年月的大部門時光,都會裏的大型的新修建經常引發敵意,而不是歡慶。

  3. The historian argued that___________are essential to science, claiming that these inherited and untested beliefs often form the conceptual framework necessary for further research.

  G. Hypotheses,

  H. mistakes,

  I. preconceptions,

  J. disagreements,

  K. controversies,

  L. prejudices

  謎底:hypotheses, preconceptions.依據後半句"inherited and untested beliefs"來揣摸空格填假如、假想,預測等最適合。

  4. Fedigan argues that, in actuality, ethologists who claim to___________ anthropomorphism often end up simply substituting one set of anthropomorphic terms for another.

  M. Eschew,

  N. defend,

  O. support,

  P. appreciate,

  Q. denounce,

  R. avoid

  謎底:Eschew, avoid.動物行動要防止神人同業同性論,但末了只不外簡略地以另一種術語取代了以前的術語罷了。
