
2015/08/26 瀏覽次數:18 收藏



  There is no consensus among the people as to the view of _________ (主題). Some people hold the idea that _______________________ (概念A).

  A case in point is that_____________________________ (支撐概念A 的例子).

  On the other hand, others may have a quite different view. According to them,______________ (概念B). The most typical example is that __________ (支撐概念B 的例子).

  Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter.

  Admittedly, the former point of view seems reasonable in saying to some extent, but the latter is more convincing.


  ___________ (主題) is a common occurrence in our lives. The attitudes toward this issue vary from person to person. Some people tend to ______________ when they are asked_________________ (概念A) because _______________________ (支撐概念A 的緣故原由).

  The most typical example is that ____________________________ (支撐概念A 的例子).

  However, others argue that ________________________ (概念B). They point out that_______________________ (重申概念B) for the reason that _______________ (支撐概念B的緣故原由).

  As far as I am concerned, I will choose to __________________ (你的概念) because this choice fits

  my personality and my life-long belief.


  _________________________________ (所給格言或諺語). This is a proverb full of logic. By this proverb, it is meant that ____________________________ (說明該格言或諺語的內在). In other words, ______________________________ (換言之的說明). Indeed, we can learn many things from it.

  Examples can easily be found to make this point clearer. ____________ (例子1) is a case in point. Another case is that ______________ (例子2).

  Whatever you do, please remember the saying “________________________ (該格言或諺語)”. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.


  The good old proverb, __________________________ (所給格言或諺語), reminds us that ___________________ ( 解釋該格言或諺語). On the one hand,________________________ (臚陳1). On the other hand, ______________________ (臚陳2).

  Take _____________ (某相幹事例) for example. _____________________ (睜開闡述).

  However, it is easier said than done. Practice is the most important factor. Only when you pay attention to it can you hold it sooner or later.

  sat寫作開首模板—Recommendatory Models for the First Paragraph

  Model 1:江湖濟急

  Speaking of/When it comes to…, some people think that… while others argue that….For me, …

  Apply to yes or no/A or B/Enumeration

  Model 2: 適用有用

  I agree/disagree that….Admittedly,…However,…

  Only apply to yes or no.

  The college years are the best time in a person’s life.

  Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

  I disagree that the college years are the best time in a person’s life. Admittedly, college often corresponds with a time when people are young, healthy, and physically strong, and those attributes are highly regarded in Western cultures. However, the college years must also be viewed as a period of high stress and a certain uncomfortable dependence. (57) (Barron P648)

  Model 3: 從遠處走來…:配景+主題+概念:

  Nowadays, the growth of economy brings a great many changes one of which is the improvement of….This has led to a consequential controversy on what generated the change. One leading view is…while another….

  懂得1: 這類從遠處走來便是把題幹中的配景, 如001號題說眾人上大學, 便是把這類征象的緣故原由給出來, 經濟緣故原由是萬經過(全能來由). 以是上面給出一個模板3的模板, 便是由經濟起到咱們教導的主題.

  懂得2: 咱們也大概采取把題幹中的征象睜開, 細說一下如今人物是若何的把上大學已是作為一種責任教導一下, 而不比是十年前的一種少數人的可以實現的夢. 同時也能夠誇大一放學歷的主要性.

  In today’s climate where it seems that only talents armed with honorable degrees can gain easy access to the gate towards glory success, people in growing numbers are crowding into the colleges where they will sacrifice their most valuable years in the lifetime. Yet, are the college years that have played an imperative part in a person’s life the best experience? I really doubt it. (65) (Original)

  Model 4: 3+1排比

  Nowadays, for those high students who are struggling in an abominably lot of examinations, college must be the dreaming paradise with no pressure for tests; for those who are avid for a job opportunity, college experience must be the glorious trump; for those who have never and ever roamed on any college campus for some reason, college must be the eternal regret. It seems undeniable that college years are the best time in a person’s life. But I really doubt it. (78) (Original)

  總之: 模板3與模板4都是題幹的配景與成因睜開. 模板4更加誇大說話的功力.



  Today, lots of people hold the opinion that………but they failed to see............. As a high student who has researched for about half a year, I believe that……….

  Wandering in the stories of ….., I see my standpoints are definitely correct.


  好比,after considering all the facts above, who can still believe that .....................






  determining whether something should or should not be done could be weighed in many aspects. different people have different answers due to their respective point of view. on balance, my view is that the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of the two situations. / in my point of view, i agree with the speaker on the grounds that… / at the first glance, this opinion seems to be somewhat appealing, but further reflection tells me that i cannot agree with it for the following reasons.



  the first and foremost reason why i support / agree with above statement is that …

  there is also a further 每 more subtle 每 point to consider.


  although at first glance these arguments sound reasonable and appealing, they are not borne out by a careful consideration.

  the undeniable deficiency in above arguments is that they are negligent of the bare fact that...


  in conclusion, it must be explained that these three reasons sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole, thus becoming more persuasive than anyone of them. so, any thinking person must believe that…



  in this argument, the arguer concludes that…

  to substantiate the conclusion, the arguer points out that…

  in addition, the arguer assumes that / reasons that / cites the example of / cites the result of a recent study that…

  a careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless it is.


  first of all, the argument is based on a false analogy. / the arguer simply assumes that… but he does not provide any evidence that … are indeed comparable. / as we know, … differ conspicuously. / it is true that both… but even here exist fundamental differences:… / therefore, even though…proved effective in doing… there is no guarantee that it will work just as well for…// as a result, a and b do not establish a warranted analogy. so we cannot safely assume that (二者沒法比)

  ** the author unfairly assumes that a bears some relation to b. / however, the author provides no evidence to support that this is the case, nor does the author establish a causal relationship between a and b. / it is highly possible that other factors might contribute to the b/change/progress. / for example, … it is also likely b just resulted from … / lacking evidence that links a to b, it is presumptuous to suggest that a was responsible for b. (沒法樹立必定的因果幹系)

  ** the evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. / one example is rarely sufficient to establish a general conclusion. / based on a specific example of… , it is logically unsounded to make suggestion for all… / in fact, in face of such limited evidence, it is fallacious to draw any conclusion at all. / unless it can be shown that … is representative of all…, the conclusion that… is completely unwarranted. (單個事例不克不及解釋團體題目)

  ** by concluding that sb must do a or must do b, the author commits a fallacy of “false dilemma”. / the author assumes that a and b are the only available solutions to the problem. / however, it is possible that other factors might also contribute to the problem. for example,… / if so, just doing a and b would not solve the problem. (另有其他緣故原由)

  in addition, the arguer commits a fallacy of hasty generalization. / even if… , which is, of course, an unwarranted assumption, it does not follow that… / it is highly possible that other factors may have contributed to b… / for instance,… / besides, the arguer does not provide any solid information concerning… / unless… , which is unknown from this argument, there is no guarantee that… // without ruling out these and other possible factors that give rise to b, the author cannot confidently conclude that…(結論得出過早,斟酌不周密 )

  ** the arguer assumes that just because one event follows another, the second event has been caused by the first. / however, no evidence is provided to support that this is the case. / the mere fact that a occurs before b does not necessarily establish a causal relationship between a and b. / it is highly possible that other factors might also bring about these same results. / for instance,… in addition,… / without ruling out these and other possible factors that give rise to b, the author cannot confidently conclude that…

  ** the recommendation depends on the assumption that no alternative means of doing sth are available. / however, the arguer fails to offer any evidence to substantiate this crucial assumption. it is highly possible that means other than this would better solve the problem. / without considering and ruling out these and other alternative means of doing sth, the author cannot confidently conclude that…

  ** the arguer assumes the characteristics of a group apply to every member of that group. / the conclusion that… is based on the assumption that … / however, there is no guarantee that this is the case, nor does the author provide any evidence to substantiate this assumption. it is very likely that… / lacking such evidence the author cannot draw any firm conclusion. (團體紀律不必定實用於小我)

  ** it is assumed without justification that background conditions have remained the same at different times / conditions. / the arguer unfairly infer from… in the past that… / however, he/she fails to offer any evidence to substantiate this inference. it is very likely that…, or that… / any of these scenarios, if true, would serve to undermine the claim that… (從曩昔不克不及推知如今和未來)

  finally, the arguer provides no assurances that the survey on which the argument depends is statistically reliable. / lacking information about the number of … surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to assess the validity of the results. /for example, if… were surveyed but only… responded, the conclusion that… would be highly suspected. / another problem is the representativeness of the respondents. were they representative of all the…? were… chosen for the survey chosen randomly or did they volunteer for the survey?… / lacking such evidence the author cannot draw any firm conclusion based on the study.


  in summary, this argument is not persuasive as it stands.

  to make it more convincing, the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning… / provide evidence to rule out other possible causes of…

  to better evaluate the argument, we would need more information regarding…
