GRE Argument精彩句型大盤點

2015/08/31 瀏覽次數:10 收藏

  Argument是GRE寫作測驗主要的一部門,考生要想在這部門獲得一個不錯的成就,除要留意積聚一些高分辭匯,對付一些可以贊助考生增長作文成就的高分句型也要留意網絡,下面留學將網絡整頓的一些GRE Argument出色句型分享給眾人,供考生參考。

  1.The mere(純潔的,最少的,僅僅的) fact that ticket sales in recent years for screenplay(片子腳本)-based movies have exceeded those for book-based movies is insufficient(不敷的,不敷的) evidence to conclude(show, prove, illustrate(舉例解釋), demonstrate(證實,論證,樹模)) that writing screenplays now provides greater financial opportunity for writers.


  2.It is possible that fees paid by movie studios for screenplays will decrease in the future relative to those for book rights.

  3.The argument fails to rule out(劃去,消除,撤消) the possibility that a writer engages in(加入,使從事於)both types of writing as well as other writer.


  4.In any event(不管若何), the advertisement provides no justification(來由) for the mutually(相互地,合作)exclusive(排外的,獨有的,獨一的)choice that it imposes on(應用,誘騙,施加影響於)the writer.

  5.The argument simply equates(treat) success with(as the indication of) movie ticket sales, which is unwarranted(無依據的,無包管的).


  6.The author assumes (make assumption) that physical capabilities are the only attribute(品德,特點,屬性) necessary to operate a motor vehicle.
