
2015/09/23 瀏覽次數:14 收藏


  21、Accompanying that growth was a structural change that featured increasing economic diversification and a gradual shift in the nation's labor force from agriculture to manufacturing and other nonagricultural pursuits.

  (倒裝Accompanying that growth was a structural change that…=A structural change…was accompanying that growth)


  分句1. Accompanying that growth was a structural change

  分句2. that featured increasing economic diversification and a gradual shift in the nation's labor force from agriculture to manufacturing and other nonagricultural pursuits

  2嵌套在1中,做1中的structural change 的定語從句,這個定語從句構造較龐雜,由兩個and銜接三個並列的名詞性身分。


  22、As the roles men and women played in society became more rigidly defined, so did the roles they played in the home.

  (倒裝so did…)


  分句1. the roles became more rigidly defined

  分句2. men and women played in society

  分句3. so did the roles

  分句4. they played in the home.

  1和2嵌套,2是潤飾1中的role 的定語從句。 3和4嵌套,4是3中的roles的。


  23、Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals,sometimes easily recognizable as such,often distorted into gorgeous,weird,but always functional shapes.

  (倒裝Surrounding the column are…)



  Three sepals and three petals are surrounding the column, sometimes easily recognizable as such,often distorted into gorgeous,weird,but always functional shapes.

  24、With the growing prosperity brought on by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it,young people married and established households earlier and began to raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression.

  (倒裝than had their predecessors—比擬構造的第二部門)


  分句1. the growing prosperity brought on by the Second World War

  分句2. the economic boom that followed it

  分句3. young people married and established households earlier

  分句4. began to raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression.


  1和2 是隨同狀語


  25、The railroad could be and was a despoiler of nature;furthermore,in its manifestation of speed and noise,it might be a despoiler of human nature as well.

  (聯系關系構造could be and was)


  分句1. The railroad could be and was a despoiler of nature

  分句2. it might be a despoiler of human nature as well.

  1和2 是並列 (由分號銜接的兩個並列分句)。