
2015/09/25 瀏覽次數:3 收藏


  Task 1:

  Describe a special occasion in your country and the gift that you have to give, and tell why you have to give that kind of gift.

  Task 2:

  Do you agree or disagree that bicycles will be replaced one day in the future?

  Task 3:

  【門生發起】:一個門生寫信發起大學在藝術教授教養樓門廳新建一個咖啡廳adds a small coffee shop to the lobby of fine art building。來由1.便利門生買飲料。來由2.觀賞藝術系門生的作品。

  【門生立場】:女士贊成此籌劃。來由1.門生課間沒有處所買咖啡或甜點students have no place to buy coffee or snacks between classes。來由2.藝術門生可以得到眾人留意drawattention to the work of fine art students。

  Task 4:

  【名詞說明】:subject-expectancy effect(受試者等待效應)。大意是:人的設法主意輕易被事前曉得的內容上下。信則靈。

  【傳授舉例】:傳授舉了一個例子。一個公司的一組office workers感到事情壓力大、sluggish,tired。researchers讓他們every day服用eat維他命for two weeks。並告訴他們這類Vitamins have a special element that can improve the energy和事情效力。但現實上這類Vitamin是一個fakevitamin,have no special elements。但成果表現,The officeworkers felt more energetic and worked faster。

  Task 5:


  【辦理計劃】:計劃1.歸去找他室友。然則已很晚了,室友應當睡了。並且他也不必定會修。計劃2.次日夙興去comouter lab重寫paper。

  Task 6:

  【授課要點】:傳授講plant與friendly insect之間共生幹系,兩種:第一種,當植物遭到harmful insect的進擊時,植物就開釋出某種氣體signal,吸引friendly insect來吃掉harmful insect。植物和其friendly insect兩邊受益benefit mutually。第二種,植物本身為friendly insect供給食品,以讓friendly insect一向生存在植物內。當遭到harmful insect的進擊時,friendly insect可隨時吃掉harmful insect。