
2015/06/10 瀏覽次數:27 收藏




  本次綜合寫作是關於King Raedwald的考古學話題。

  Reading說在英格蘭南部發明的宅兆的主人被認定為King Raedwald,有三點緣故原由支撐論點:

  1、King Raddwald在位和滅亡的時光和宅兆中出土的文物coins時光對應;

  2、宅兆相稱奢華壯觀,比其他昂格魯撒克遜不敷,好比東昂格利亞等的宅兆壯觀,而其時King Raedwald便是南英格蘭的霸主,墓主固然便是他咯;

  3、宅兆裏發明了許多Christian陪葬品,好比銀勺子等宗教極品,相符King Raedwald是英格蘭第一名崇奉Christian的國王這一史實。

  Listening中傳授完整分歧意瀏覽文章,屬於完整辯駁。傳授說出土宅兆的主人是King Raedwald的話,不克不及讓人佩服,來由有三個,Sam把原文盡量回想還原以下:

  1、King Raedwald的滅亡時光和出土銀幣的時光斷定都禁絕確,沒法符合;

  It’s very hard to pinpoint the accurate date of King Raedwald’s death. Some historians say he died in 624, but others argue that he died 25 year earlier. The dating of the coins excavated is also not accurate. So, that’s not a match;


  Not lots of graves are uncovered in south England, and lots found are damaged or robbed throughout the long history. This excavated gave is called ‘splendid and marvelous’ by some historians, but do they carefully compare this one to local East Anglia’s or other tribal graves in the same area? They don’t have any solid evidence right now.


  Christian related objects excavated in the grave does not mean the owner of the grave is practice Christian. Those silver spoons with names ‘Augustine and Paulinus' carved in may just be the gift from Christian followers. Besides, the spoon is made of silver, a very valuable material. It might remained in the grave for this pragmatic reason as well.


  Do you agree or not? Why?

  Taking children to field trips ( for example, to a museum )is a better way of education than learning at school in a classroom?