
2015/10/14 瀏覽次數:3 收藏


  Task 1

  After a period of hard work, what do you usually do to award yourself and why? Include reasons and examples to support your response.

  Task 2

  Some people prefer to write diaries or take photos to record things they’ve experienced. Others don’t. Which way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

  Task 3

  【門生發起】:一個門生寫信給校報發起黌舍應allow students帶飲料在藏書樓喝to drink beverage in the library。來由1、門生進修時需咖啡和茶來提神。來由2、大門生已經是有義務心的成年人,會保管好攜帶的飲料的。

  【門生立場】:女士否決此發起。兩個來由:來由1、不必再去library,由於藏書樓不遠處就有café,門生完整可以在歇息的時刻walk there in only a few minutes, 很便利,在那邊喝。喝了再回藏書樓。來由2、即使門生只管即便防止變亂產生,但照樣不免有不測accident might happen,such as book damage and computer damage(will be ruined)。

  Task 4

  【名詞說明】:audience profile(告白受眾的需求)。講做告白以前,要gather and analyze潛伏花費者potential consumer的愛好和需求,針對他們的personal愛好和需求計劃告白。

  【傳授舉例】:傳授舉了一個賣牛奶公司的例子。有個milk company公司想傾銷它的牛奶,起首做了在超市民眾問卷查詢拜訪investigated about ,問了許多題目好比who would buy milk,why,how often,how much would they buy it,肯定primary客戶後,發明They found that大部門購置牛奶的客戶primary buyers都是women,並且母親mother占多數。這些女性客戶購置牛奶的時刻,買個她們的孩子for kids,重視的是牛奶是不是有養分,而不是口胃concern about the health benefits of the milk more than taste,因而牛奶公司的打的電視告白裏是如許的畫面: 在談該公司所售牛奶的養分高,含有許多維生素等養分物資invited a doctor to emphasize the health benefits of their milk in the advertisement,贊助孩子身材發展,完整不提味道。成果牛奶就大賣了 the sale of the milk was increased。[2010.8.21北美/2012.5.20]

  Task 5

  【門生艱苦】:男生在玩籃球時,扭到腳了hurt his foot,又腫又疼(swelling and hurt)。He needs to go to a clinic,no time to go to clinic cause下晝有review session。

  【辦理計劃】:女士給了他兩個辦理計劃:計劃1、go to clinic this afternoon。弊端:he 不想錯過has to attend a review session this afternoon。If he goes to the hospital, he may have to wait for several hours。計劃2、本日先溫習,明早再去病院he could go to clinic tomorrow。來由:他說他本身還能站得起來。弊端:如許對身材欠好afraid it might get worse。[2011.6.25北美]

  Task 6

  【授課要點】:不克不及move free的海底sea bottom dwellers(住民)捕食的法feed有兩種:第一種、active method:主如果靠像爪子同樣的毒須去抓食品。舉例:海葵sea anemone [əˈneməni] 固然本身不克不及動,它身上有tentacle(觸手)倒是可以動的。如許fish來了今後它可以sting on the object給食品打針毒液,並使動物paralyzed,抓住fish了。第二種、passive method,舉例:牡蠣oyster[ˈɔistə],固然呆在shell裏不動。等著sea waves把tiny particles沖到opening shell裏。 2008.12.12北美