
2015/11/09 瀏覽次數:20 收藏



  “To an Athlete Dying Young”


  The time you won your town the race

  We chaired you through the market-place;

  Man and boy stood cheering by,

  And home we brought you shoulder-high.


  Today, the road all runners come,

  Shoulder-high we bring you home,

  And set you at your threshold down,

  Townsman of a stiller town.


  Smart lad, to slip betimes away

  From fields where glory does not stay,

  And early though the laurel grows

  It withers quicker than the rose.


  Eyes the shady night has shut

  Cannot see the record cut,

  And silence sounds no worse than cheers

  After earth has stopped the ears.

  這裏的shady night實指滅亡,滅亡像黑夜同樣遮住了眼睛,身後土壤將活動員掩埋,耳朵也聽不見任何喝彩了。

  Now you will not swell the rout

  Of lads that wore their honors out

  Runners whom renown outran

  And the name died before the man.


  So set, before its echoes fade,

  The fleet foot on the sill of shade,

  And hold to the low lintel up

  The still-defended challenge-cup.

  這一段中有一個暗喻,即把滅亡比作是一道門,以是會有sill 和 lintel,分離是門的下面和上面,不管是奔馳的腳步踏上門坎,照樣將被被擡高到門楣,都象征著正式邁進滅亡的進口

  And round that early-laurelled head

  Will flock to gaze the strength less dead,

  And find unwithered on its curls

  The garland briefer than a girl’s.

  人們註目著這位早逝的的活動員,只管他生前是那末強壯,那末風景,早早地便奪得桂冠,但如今卻寧靜地躺在靈柩裏,顯得那末的無力。然則人們卻又驚異地發明,本來比女孩子帶的玫瑰花環還易雕零的月木樨環,仿佛今後永不雕落。(末了一句的girl’s 指的是女孩子帶的玫瑰花環,garland指的是月木樨環。 在第三節末了兩句與之對應It(laurel)withers quicker than the rose)
