
2015/11/12 瀏覽次數:2 收藏


  Task 1

  What kind of activity do you think will help children to take responsibility?

  Task 2

  What will you choose when youmove from a place to another? Wear headset or go in silence.

  Task 3

  JB這小我寫了個lettercreate bicycle borrowing program,男的同義,兩個來由:l.Academic buildings are far away from each other, some students have to drive, andsometimes it causes transportation problems.2.get exercise, since he is busywith business and study, he has no timedoing exercise in gym, and however, you can getexercise when you go to the school if you ride the bicycle.

  Task 4

  說明term一個ecotype用於adaption的,貌似是一栽種物叫champion在含metal的soil hard tosurvive, but their offspringhave evolved theadaption in soil. e.g.

  copper in the soil,厥後這個在copper內裏的子女的種子能在以前被汙染的soil裏抽芽。但是通俗的卻不可。

  Task 5

  女士一個roommate搬走了,本日晚上要和其他roommates口試遴選新的室友,然後有個她不善於的geology study group要在藏書樓一路匯集材料。solution:去進修,來由:1.studyis the first priority for students,欠好勤學影響GPA,今後進入graduateschool受影響。2.有兩個室友一路參考,要信任她們的才能。

  Task 6

  兩個drawbacks of樹立procedures, 1.減弱了員工的發明力想象力,比若有了rules今後員工賣衣服不像曩昔那樣試下用humor去勸服顧客購置clothes了,他們只會按規章事情。2.增長了本錢,manager制訂procedures要花時光本錢,stuff去學也要花時光和本錢。