
2015/11/17 瀏覽次數:4 收藏




  (1)Challenge sb to do sth .向…挑釁,約請…競賽

  They challenge us to a swimming contest.

  (2)to give (accept) a challenge ( 接收 ) 挑釁


  (1)Share 部門,分

  Everybody ought to have his proper share.

  (2)Share 介入、進獻

  I had no share in the mater.

  (3)Share (with,between) 分派,共有

  They shared the profits between them.

  I will share with you in the undertaking.


  (1)instead 取代

  If you cannot go,let him go instead.

  (2)instead of 取代

  I will go instead of you.


  (1)manage to do 完成,殺青

  We finally managed to get there in time.

  (2)manage with 做事,處現事件

  We can''t manage with these poor tools.

  (3)manage on 生存,度日

  How will she manage with her husband gone.


  (1)afford to do 足以承當

  I cannot afford to pay such a high price.

  (2)afford 發生

  Reading affords pleasure.


  (1)would rather do 情願

  He said he would rather stay at home.

  (2)rather than 情願

  I had rather dance than eat.


  (1)ever 曾

  Have you ever been there?

  (2)ever 畢竟

  Why ever didn''t you go.

  (3)ever 假如

  If the band(樂隊)ever plays again,we will dance.

  (4)ever so=very

  Thank you ever so much.


  (1) available 通用的,有用的

  The season ticket is available for three months.

  (2)available 可用的,可到達的


  (1)else 別的,其余

  Where else did you go?

  (2)else 不然,否則

  Hurry,else you''ll be late.


  (1)involve 包含

  Housekeeping involves cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning.

  (2)involve 使陷於

  One foolish mistake can involve you in a good deal of trouble.

  (3)involve 使膠葛,使可貴

  A sentence that is involved is hard to understand.

  (4)involve 包抄

  Clouds involved the hilltop.

  OK ,言而不行是不敷的,送上一篇玲瓏的小漫筆,有時光最佳背下來,在科場上只要用幾個如許的詞,必定能起到一語道破的感化,升華您的文彩!

  We are living in a highly challenging world. We are to be always ready to challenging challenge .In so doing; we must be good at sharing what is available to us with somebody else. We must first manage to give rather than to take. In other words, we should not fail to be a responsible member of society. Only in this way can we afford to achieve our goal in life and will not remain good for nothing instead.

  Have you ever thought of all this?
