
2015/12/04 瀏覽次數:2 收藏


  Task 1

  Which of the following best describe your school? Help each other,experienced teachers, or strict rules?

  Task 2

  Do you agree or disagree that process is more important than the result?

  Task 3

  文章說黌舍要增長introduction course的seminars;男生贊成;第一點能贊助門生進修到更多的進修辦法,舉本身的例子;第二點有助於social, 他是學音樂的,常常跟臥室的同專業同窗hang out, 然則他認為和其他專業,好比engineering大概international的門生來往也頗有意思。

  Task 4

  facial feedback重要講facial expression cause emotions; 傳授講了一個試驗的例子,把自願者分成兩組,讓他們做數學題,讓個中一組堅持微笑,另一組frown,成果是微笑的一組感到很好,frown的一組感到很差。

  Task 5

  女士患了重傷風,固然好了,然則voice沒有100%,但是立時要在課上唱歌;辦理計劃一,可以直接唱,但不是best performance; 辦理計劃二,可如下一節課練統一首歌,一路唱,然則須要同時預備兩首歌。

  Task 6

  water in river & lake 若何replenish; 第一個辦法,internal way,organism in water produce oxygen, like plant光合感化發生氧氣;第二個辦法,external way, water interaction with air makes oxygen dissolve. 例子是winds blow off, 增長surfaces, 增進dissolve.