
2015/12/07 瀏覽次數:4 收藏


  1. take a rain check 改天吧

  —— Can you come over for dinner tonight?(本日晚上來用飯好嗎?)

  —— I’m up to my ears in work, so I’ll have to take a raincheck。(我事情很忙,改天吧。)

  2. lost count 弄不清晰

  —— Ever since your girlfriend moved to Bridgeport, you are alwaysdriving there. How many trips a week do you makeanyway?(自從你的女友搬到Bridgeport,你總是開車去看她。一周去幾回啊?)

  ——I have lost count, but I can do it with my eyesclosed。(搞不清晰了,但我閉著眼也能摸曩昔。)

  3. be in another world 精力恍忽;失魂落魄

  —— Pete’s really out of it these days。(Pete 這幾天有點漫不經心。)

  —— Yeah, I know. Ever since he met Ann, he’s been in anotherworld。(我贊成。自從他碰見Ann, 他就失魂落魄了。)

  4. make yourself at home 隨便,隨意

  —— Do you mind if I take off my jacket?(你介懷我脫下茄克嗎?)

  —— Of course not, make yourself at home。(固然不介懷,隨便一點!)

  5. save your breath 省口吻吧;別空費口舌了

  —— Hey? John! John!(嘿,John! John!)

  —— Save your breath. He"s out of earshot。(省口吻吧。他已聽不到了。)

  6. make sense 故意義,懂得

  —— The plot of that movie is hard to follow。(那部片子的情節很難跟得上。)

  —— It makes more sense the second time。(再看一遍就懂得了。)

  7. cost sb. an arm and a leg 異常昂貴

  ——Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave toLinda?(你看到Bill送給Linda的鉆戒了嗎?)

  ——I sure did. It must have cost him an arm and aleg。(固然了。那必定很昂貴。)

  8. burn a hole in one’s pocket 很快地被花光

  ——Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computeryet?(你攢足錢給你的電腦買一台新打印機了嗎?)

  ——You know money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately .Maybe next month. (這幾個月我費錢如流水。大概下個月吧。)

  9. fill one’s shoes 很好地頂替;使人滿足地替換

  ——Have you heard that Professor Jones is retiring?(你據說Jones傳授要退休了嗎?)

  ——Yes. The faculty won’t find anyone to fill her shoes。(是的。黌舍將很難找到適合的人來取代她。)

  10. is ice cold 表現天經地義

  ——Does Prof. Ford always come to class?(Ford傳授老是來上課嗎?)

  ——Is ice cold?(固然了。)
