
2015/12/17 瀏覽次數:5 收藏



  environmental protection 情況掩護

  environmentally-friendly 環保的

  preserve v.掩護,保留


  Pollute= contaminate, 汙染(動詞)

  pollutant 汙染物

  Pollution=contamination 汙染(名詞)

  垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter

  處置: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill 垃圾場),

  dump傾倒,recycle 收受接管

  plastic bags塑料袋, drinking cans飲料罐

  biodegradable packaging 可降解包裝

  throwaway 可拋棄的

  disposable 可拋棄的

  discourage v. 不勉勵


  non-renewable 弗成再生的

  fossil fuels 礦石燃料: natural gas, coal, petroleum

  limited/finite natural resources 有限的天然資本

  alternative energy 替換能源

  replace=substitute v.代替

  (wind power, hydropower 水電,

  solar (lunar) power 太陽能,

  nuclear power 核能

  radioactivity n. 輻射性

  use up, deplete, exhaust v. 用光,耗盡

  conserve v. 節儉,勤儉,

  consume less v. 少消費


  poaching 不法狩獵,盜獵,

  damage natural habitat 損壞天然棲息地,

  rare breed 罕見物種,

  endangered species 瀕危物種,

  extinct adj.滅盡 (die out, disappear動詞),

  animal rights activist 動物權柄掩護者 ,

  natural reserve (giant panda大熊貓) 天然掩護區,

  protect wild life 掩護野活潑物,

  disastrous 災害性的, devastation 損壞,

  have disastrous effect on…對。。。有災害性的影響


  vegetation 植被

  deforestation 叢林消逝,

  landslide 山體滑坡,


  carbon dioxide 二氧化碳,

  acid rain 酸雨(erode腐化)

  greenhouse effect 溫室效應 (worsening, deteriorate, deterioration惡化)

  global warming 環球變暖

  ecological system=ecosystem 生態體系

  green belt 綠化帶, sand storm 沙塵暴, (filter v. 過濾)

  arouse people’s awareness/consciousness of environmental protection 進步"大眾,"的環保意識


  贊助緩解環球變暖速率 help slow down the pace of global warming

  堅持生態均衡 keep ecological balance

  堅持水土 preserve soil and water

  掩護和改良生存和生態情況 protect and improve the living environment

  掩護珍稀野活潑植物 protect rare wild animals and plants

  保存為天然耕地 reserve as natural farmland

  采取環保技巧 adopt environmental protection technique

  加入環保活動 take part in environmental protection activities

  崇尚綠色生存方法 pursue a “green” life

  發明優越的生態情況 create a pleasant ecological environment

  增進都會可連續成長 promote the sustainable development of the city

  成長太陽能 develop solar energy

  防治汙染 prevent and control pollution

  異常重視掩護叢林 pay great attention to the conservation of forest

  改良生態情況 improve the eco-environment (ecological environment)

  封閉化工場 close chemical plants

  加大汙染管理力度 strengthen pollution control

  增強都會綠化 strengthen the greening of the city

  增強情況掩護 strengthen environmental protection

  增強生態扶植 improve the eco-construction

  增強水土堅持 reinforce the conservation of water and soil

  削減靈活車輛 reduce the number of vehicles

  削減糟蹋 reduce waste

  進一步加速環保計劃 further speed up environmental protection plans

  制止露天點火 prohibit burning out in the open

  展開掩護野活潑物宣布道育 advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals

  展開綠色運動 advocate green activities

  遍及環保常識 popularize environmental protection knowledge

  實施嚴厲的靈活車排放尺度 implement strict vehicle emission standards

  應用再生紙 use recycle paper

  進步情況治理程度 raise the environmental management level

  進步住民的環保和生態意識 improve residents’ environmental and ecological awareness

  進步幹凈能源的比重 increase the supply of clean energy resources

  完美都會基本舉措措施扶植 perfect the construction of urban infrastructure

  為大批野活潑植物供給棲息地 provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants

  減少汙物排放 decrease the disposal of pollutants

  激發一系列的題目 result in a series of problems

  加強情況意識 enhance the awareness of the importance of (raise the consciousness about) environmental protection

  管理沙地和水土流失題目 tackle the problems of sand and soil erosion

  重視勤儉資本 attach importance to saving resources





  美國ETS toefl考官課程

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